Multicultural Britain: From Anti-Racism to Identity Politics to …?

Multicultural Britain: From Anti-Racism to Identity Politics to …?

CRONEM - Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism
Southlands College, Roehampton University
United Kingdom
From - Until
14.06.2006 - 15.06.2006
Dumic, Mirela

The current debate about multiculturalism in the aftermath of '7/7' needs to be set in its historical context. A key aspect of this history is the move from anti-racist debates and policies towards an emphasis on identity politics and 'faith communities'. Some have encouraged this development and seek to defend it in a more general defence of multiculturalism. Others doubt its capacity to provide long term solutions, especially when 'faith communities' are seen as the main vehicle of identity politics. We want to focus not only Britain, but also on similar developments across Europe generally, and other parts of the globe.

The aim of this conference is to debate this history and seek new avenues by bringing together different generations from inside and outside universities so that we can learn from each other's experience and views.


June, 14th

09.30-10.30 Registration and Coffee
10.30-10.40 Welcome from John Eade, CRONEM Executive Director

Parallel sessions:

Identity politics
10.45-11.15 L. Michael

11.20-11.50 A. Imtiaz

11.55-12.25 J. Zavos

10.45-11.15 U. Troche

11.20-11.50 D. Hadjigeorgiou

11.55-12.25 R. Race

National borders and immigration
10.45-11.15 F. Morral-Cardoner

11.20-11.50 D. Bhandar

11.55-12.25 H. van Amersfoort

10.45-11.15 P. Knepper

11.20-11.50 M. Madriaga

11.55-12.25 W. Ackah

British national identity and multiculturalism (panel)
10.45-11.15 S. Mock

11.20-11.50 D. Halikiopoulou

11.55-12.25 E.M. Asari

Construction of identity
10.45-11.15 L. Storey

11.20-11.50 G. Netto

11.55-12.25 T. Sund

For all sessions:
Chapman Hall
12.30-13.15 Michael Banton “Problem finding in ethic and racial studies”

13.15-14.15 Lunch

Chapmann Hall
14.15-15.00 Catherine Hall “Thinking race, thinking empire”

Parallel Sessions:

Research methods
15.00-15.30 S. Salway

15.35-16.05 G. Gangoli

15.00-15.30 D. Weber

15.35-16.05 M. Araújo and H. Santos

15.00-15.30 L. Miller

15.35-16.05 S. Spencer

Identity politics in the EU
15.00-15.30 M. Verlot

15.35-16.05 I. Camozzi

15.00-15.30 J.S. Rai

15.35-16.05 I. Galfarsoro

Politics of knowledge
15.00-15.30 J. Wills

15.35-16.05 G. Schaffer

For all sessions:

16.00-16.30 Tea

16.30-17.30 Anne Phoenix
Kenan Malik “Multiculturalism as description an prescription

17.30-17.40 Welcome from Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Roehampton University

17.40-18.40 Ash Amin “Love the neighbour?”
Chetan Bhatt “Authorian ethics and cultural ecologies”

18.40-19.40 Publisher’s Reception and Book Lauch

20.15-22.45 Dinner and Entertainment

June, 15th

9.30-10.00 Registration

Prallel sessions

Islam and Citizenship
10.00-10.30 K. Pedziwiatr

10.35-11.05 L. Panketh

10.00-10.30 K. Tyler

10.35-11.05 A. Parmar

Politics of knowledge
10.00-10.30 T. Yamamori

10.35-11.05 A. Hadházy

Dance and identity
10.00-10.30 L. Sanders

10.35-11.05 A. David

Construction of identity
10.00-10.30 A. Pettigrew

10.35-11.05 C. Lacroix

For all sessions:

11.05-11.35 Coffee

Chapman Hall
11.35-12.20 John Rex “Ethic identity in a multicultural society”

Parallel sessions

Sports and identity
12.25-12.55 J. Lusted

13.00-13.30 D. Burdsey

Migrants and labour market
12.25-12.55 J. Herbert

13.00-13.30 J. Eade and M. Garapich

12.25-12.55 S. McKinney

13.00-13.30 D. Hakobyan

Research methods
12.25-12.55 Caballero, Edwards, Smith

13.00-13.30 K. Mand and S. Weller

British Army – Past and Present
12.25-12.55 J.G. Davies

13.00-13.30 M. Bennett

12.25-12.55 M. Okuyama

13.00-13.30 N. Khattab

For all sessions:
13.30-14.30 Lunch

Parallel sessions:

Construction of identity
14.30-15.00 S. Chattoo

15.05-15.35 O. lynch
14.30-15.00 J. Argade

15.05-15.35 E. Liarou

Cultural hybridity and cosmopolitanism
14.30-15.00 C. Globisch

15.05-15.35 W. Gallois

14.30-15.00 M. Mirza

15.05-15.35 J. Haritaworn

Identity politics in the EU
14.30-15.00 G. Sinatti

15.05-15.35 J. Pecenka

All sessions:
Chapman Hall
15.35-16.35 Les Black “London calling: 7th July bombings and the fact of multiculture
Kim Knott “Communities of faith and the politics of belief”
Roger Ballard “Living with difference”

16.35-17.00 Concluding discussion an close

17.00-17.30 Tea

Contact (announcement)

Mirela Dumic
Centre Administrator
School of Arts, Communication and Humanities
Austin Pearce Building
University of Surrey
Guildford GU2 7XH
