The Centre for Comparative Modernities is delighted to announce the term card for its 2023 autumn term workshop series.
Please note all sessions will be online on Zoom at 13:00 UK time.
The Zoom link for all sessions is:
Meeting ID: 948 8192 7692
Passcode: 571310
7 November 2023 (online)
Session 1: Morality & Modernities
The State of Contemporary Chinese Moral Education: The Search for a Pre-modern National Identity (Edwin Hao Chen Jiang, PhD Cambridge University)
East Asian Interpretations of Universal Morality in Modernity (Jiannan Luo, Durham University)
14 November 2023 (online)
Session 2: Post-War Modernities
Incomparable? Regionalist Post-War Modernism in Poland and Switzerland (Kaja Schelker, Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe & the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
“Su Zhong You Hao”: The Circulation of Soviet Modernity in Chinese Print Media (Huiyu Cara Zhao, Durham University)
21 November 2023 (online)
Session 3: Comparative Modernities
Ritual and the Modern Art of Mourning - A Look at the Value of Mourning Rites in England and South Korea from 1830 to the Present (Dilara Scholz, Royal Holloway University of London)
‘The cry is all for Prince Alfred’: The Vacant Hellenic Throne and the Election to it of Queen Victoria’s Second Son (Aidan Jones, King’s College London)
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