2024 marked the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the Basic Law and therefore the foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany. Over the last three quarters of a century, migration has been a defining, if often controversial, political, economic, social and cultural phenomenon. Migration-related issues such as flight, expulsion and asylum, planned labor migration ("guest work"), family reunification, freedom of movement in the EU, as well as undocumented migration have, in turn, had a decisive impact on the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. During this period, through the broader political framework (the Cold War, fall of the Iron Curtain, reunification, EU enlargement, etc.), the migration processes (first Europeanization, then globalization) and migration as a reference point for state self-positioning, social controversies and historical-political identity have been transformed several times.
It is time to bring nation-building and migration into deeper conversation through historical, historiographical and political vantage points and to discuss perspectives for the future. At the end of this anniversary year, we invite you to reflect on these issues in an international and interdisciplinary context. We welcome historical-political case studies, analyses of the politics of remembrance, historiographical contributions, reflections on the interdependence between politics and migration, as well as contributions to debates on current migration and integration policy fields, discourses and controversies. In addition to case studies, comparative or theoretical conference contributions that transcend the nation-state/national-historical perspectives are also welcome.
Possible topics of interest include:
a. Phases, forms and regimes of migration [old and new labor migration incl. GDR; political flight and asylum (Article 16 GG, Geneva Refugee Convention); flight and expulsion 1944/45-1949; ethnic German (Aussiedler) immigration; East-West migration during the Cold War; EU internal migration, quota refugees; family reunification; skilled workers’ migration].
b. The institutional-political-administrative framework of migration and integration (state, economy, civil society, culture, religion).
c. Discourses and paradigm shifts on migration and integration.
d. International comparisons of Germany as a country of immigration with other countries.
e. Cultural and religious foundations and conflicts in the migration society.
f. Diasporas, communities and migrant minorities.
g. Lives in between and/or hybridity: Between country of origin, country of destination and minority existence.
h. Historicizing migration - remembering migration - representing migration in commemorative politics and the landscape of remembrance.
i. Post-colonial and post-migratory perspectives on Germany as a migration society.
j. In search of a new “us” within the German migration society.
This English-language conference is aimed at scholars from the humanities and social sciences (anthropology/ethnology, geography, history, political science, law, religious studies, sociology, etc.). Abstracts for conference contributions (papers) are selected on a competitive basis in a peer review process. The number of speakers is limited to approximately 20 persons (plus audience). Young researchers (doctoral students, post-docs) are particularly invited to apply. Half of the places will be reserved for them. Accommodation is available in hotels or the Humboldt University guest house (from approximately € 80-100 per night). Financial support for participants to subsidize travel and accommodation costs will depend on the approval of additional funds that have been applied for.
The conference will conclude with a public evening event on European migration policy (in German). This panel, co-hosted by the Evangelische Akademie Berlin at the Französische Friedrichstadtkirche in Berlin-Mitte, will consist of leading figures in academia and politics (Prof. Dr. Petra Bendel; Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan; Armin Laschet, MdB; Prof. Dr. Jan Lucassen; Federal Minister Cem Özdemir, tbc).
Abstracts in English for conference contributions (max. 600 words) and a short CV (max. two pages) with a selection of a maximum of three relevant publications can be submitted until July 18, 2024. While the conference language is English, conference papers can be submitted in German or English. The conference contributions will be made internally available before the conference begins. The submission deadline for papers is October 1, 2024. Publication of selected papers in an edited volume or in a peer-reviewed journal is planned.
Further information can be found at www.hu-berlin.de/75Jahre (not yet online). For questions regarding CfP and abstract please contact: ohliger@network-migration.org. Please send your application by e-mail as a pdf document in ONE single file to the following e-mail address: maeve.mcgrath@hu-berlin.de. You will be notified of the results of your application by the end of July.
Contact Information
Prof. Dr. Ufuk Topkara
Humboldt Univewresity Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
D-10099 Berlin
T.: 0049/30/2093-98099