Wednesday, 20 November 2024
09h30-10h00 Welcome Coffee
10h00-10h30 Introduction
10h30-12h00 The Construction of a New Imaginary of Shady Connections in the Nineteenth Century
Chair: Anne-Emmanuelle Demartini, Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Francesco Benigno (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): The Evil Sect in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Loans and Influences
- Alexandre Dupont (Univ. Strasbourg): L’internationale blanche, un “réseau obscur”? Représentations et répression de l’internationalisme contre-révolutionnaire (1820–1880)
12h00-13h00 Lunch
13h00-14h30 From a Crisis of Social Knowledge to Imaginaries of Dark Networks
Chair: Sarah Frenking, GHI Washington DC/ Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam
- Suhail Gharaibeh (Columbia Univ.): “Les célébrités des sphères interlopes”. Les dessous du nouveau Paris, selon Édouard Drumont et Cie. 1864–1904
- Christoph Streb (GHI Paris): “Modern Sin” in a “Webbed Social Life”. Modernity and the Downsides of Connectivity in the Social Psychology of Edward Alsworth Ross
14h30-16h00 Anarchists as Social Figures of the Underworld
Chair: Corentin Marion, GHI Paris
- Carolyn J. Eichner (Univ. Wisconsin-Milwaukee): “Impulsive Insanity of a Mildly Homicidal Type”. Louise Michel and the Threat of International Dissident Networks
- Robert Kramm (LMU Munich): Black Kraken. Anarchism, Imperial Japan, and Decentering Connectivity
16h00-16h30 Coffee break
16h30-18h00 Port Cities as Spaces of the Underworld
Chair: Eleonora Marchioni, GHI Paris
- Lasse Heerten (Univ. Bochum): Unterwelthafen Hamburg. Trading, Smuggling, and Policing Alcohol, Arms, and Humans in the Port of Hamburg, c. 1888–1914
- Laurence Montel (Univ. Poitiers): Circulations internationales et “envers” marseillais au prisme du genre et de la “race” (années 1920–1930)
18h30 Dinner
Thursday, 21 November 2024
09h30-11h00 Networks Against Networks: Imaginaries and Practices
Chair: Christoph Streb, GHI Paris
- Margarita Lerman (Simon Dubnow Institut Leipzig/Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem): A Fine Line? Gray Areas in Habsburg Policing Endeavors, 1860s–1910s
- Daniele Toro (Univ. Bielefeld): From “Judeo-Bolshevism” to the “Spider’s Web”. Conspiracy Narratives and the Emergence of Transnational Fascist Dark Networking in the 1920
11h00-11h30 Coffee break
11h30-13h00 From Imaginaries of Dark Networks to Migration Control
Chair: Mathilde Darley, CESDIP Paris
- Roxane Bonnardel-Mira (Univ. Tours): “Faux papiers”. Ce que l’imaginaire du réseau obscur fait au contrôle de l’immigration à Paris dans les années 1920
- Elisa Camiscioli (Binghamton Univ.): The “Traffic in Women” and Migration Control in Early Twentieth-Century Europe and the Americas
13h00-14h00 Lunch
14h00-16h00 Traffickers as Social Figures of the Underworld
Chair: Alexandre Bibert, GHI Paris
- Paul Franke (Univ. Marburg): Dark Mirrors, Broken Gods, and Fearful Plots. Images and Imaginaries of Legal and Illegal Networks and Practices of the Global Art Market between 1860–1930
- Kostis Gkotsinas (National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens): “The Greek Opium Kings”. Representations of Drug Smugglers in Interwar Greece
- Andreas Guidi (Inalco, Paris): Lucky Luciano’s Mediterranean Shadow. Smuggling Networks in the Wake of (Under)World War II
16h00-16h30 Coffee break
16h30-18h00 Fictions and Sensations of the Underworld
Chair: Nicolas Picard, Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Sarah Frenking (GHI Washington DC/Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam): “Vice, Inc”. Sensationalist Journalism and the “Traffic in Women” in Germany, France and North Africa in the 1950s
- Sébastien Le Pajolec (Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne): Italia Oscura, secrets à l’Italienne. Le dévoilement des réseaux dans le cinéma populaire italien (1968–1978)
18h30 Dinner
Friday, 22 Novembre 2024
09h30-11h30 Tracing Networks, Imagining the Enemy
Chair: Laurence Badel, Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Ariane Mak (Univ. Paris-Cité): Hunting Down Enemy Spy Codes. Suspicious Graffiti in Britain during the Second Word War
- Caroline Ziani (Univ. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne): “L’automne des espions”. Le démantèlement de réseaux d’espionnage clandestins à l’épreuve de la télévision
- Maurice Cottier (Univ. Fribourg): Whitewash and “Organized Crime”. Switzerland’s Crisis-Ridden Transition from the Cold War to the Era of Globalization
11h30-12h00 Coffee break
12h00-13h00 Concluding discussion