Citizenship and Migration (SIAS Summerinstitute)

Citizenship and Migration (SIAS Summerinstitute)

Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Berlin, Germany
From - Until
25.06.2007 - 06.07.2007
Petria Saleh

SIAS Summer Institutes 2007-2008

The SIAS Summer Institutes are designed to support the development of scholarly networks and collaborative projects among young scholars from Europe and the United States. The program seeks to explore theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues, promote the integration of approaches and interpretations from various disciplines into the participants’ research, review the state of research in that discipline, and identify promising areas for further research.

Each institute will accommodate twenty participants and will meet twice, once in Europe and once in the United States. Participants will present their research and collaborate on new projects at the seminars and between the two meetings. Participants will be expected to attend both meetings. The program will provide stipends and cover travel and lodging costs for both the European and the American meetings. The institutes are open to Ph.D. candidates and scholars who have received a Ph.D. since 2001.


SIAS Summer Institute 2007-2008 on "Citizenship and Migration"

Both Western Europe and the U.S.A. are in the midst of social changes triggered by new migration patterns that put established conceptions of national citizenship under unprecedented strain. Among the questions about citizenship provoked by these changes are the following:

What can appropriately be demanded in the way of integration into to a common civic culture of prospective citizens whose formative cultural experience is often remote from and sometimes repugnant to the established civic culture in the state to which they have migrated?

What are the parameters of just immigration policy to nations which are vastly more prosperous than the ones from which most prospective citizens come?

To what extent (if at all) can the legitimacy of national and supra-national political institutions be established through citizen loyalty under conditions of increasing pluralism and how (if at all) are multiple loyalties to be accommodated without precipitating disabling levels of political conflict?

We assume that such questions can only be adequately addressed on an interdisciplinary basis that engages such fields as philosophy, political science, law, sociology, history, and education. Therefore, we welcome applicants from these and other fields whose scholarly interests are broadly relevant to the questions we have identified.

Eamonn Callan, Professor of Education, Stanford University, USA

David Miller, Professor of Political Theory, University of Oxford, Nuffield College, England

Application Procedure:

To apply, send the following, in English, to the appropriate address below:

1. A completed application
2. A curriculum vitae
3. A statement of up to 1,000 words (not counting cited references) detailing current research interests and past research and writing related to the institute topic
4. A list of not more than five background readings potentially relevant to all participants of the summer institute
5. One letter of recommendation

Contact (announcement)

Petria Saleh

Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Wallotstraße 19, 14193 Berlin

030 89001 -116
030 89001 -100