9:30 - 12:30: Introduction: Dr. Nora Lafi (researcher, ZMO, and co-chair of the "Cities Compared" research field of "Europe in the Middle East / The Middle East in Europe"): Ottoman Egypt in Perspective: New Archives, New Trends, New Stakes
Dr. Magdi Guirguis (Cairo University, Fellow of Europe in the Middle East / The Middle East in Europe): Introduction and Presentation of the Panel of Egyptian Historians
Session 1: Discussant Dr. Shaden Tageldin (Fellow of Europe in the Middle East / The Middle East in Europe)
Prof. Elsayed Mohammad Achmawi (Cairo University): Egyptian Approaches to the Ottoman Period: Historiography in Perspective
Dr. Malte Fuhrmann (Researcher, ZMO Berlin): Turkish and German Ottoman Historiographies: Methods and Questions
Dr. Mohammad Sabri ad-Dali (Lecturer, Hilwan University, Cairo): The Role of Sufi Narratives in the Building of a Political Sphere in Egypt (16th-17th c.)
Nasser Abd Allah Osman Abo Zead (B.A. Azhar University): Ulema and Society in 16th-17Ith c. Egypt
Lunch at ZMO Berlin and encounter with members of the Berlin Ottoman and Oriental Research Community
14:00 - 18:00: Session 2: Discussant: Dr. Dana Sajdi (Fellow of Europe in the Middle East / The Middle East in Europe)
Karima Thabet El Sayed Ghoneem (BA, Mansoura University): Law and Politics in Ottoman Cairo (16th-17th c.)
Dr. Florian Riedler (Researcher, ZMO Berlin): "History from bellow" in an Ottoman Context
Dr. Hossam Mohammad Abd Almity (Lecturer, Bani- Sueif University): Merchants and State in 18th c. Egypt
Dr. Nasser Ahmed Ibrahim Soliman (Lecturer, Cairo University): The Copts and the French Occupation of Egypt: New Perspectives
Rizq Hassan Ahmed Noury (BA, Cairo University): Corruption and Administration in Egypt at the time of Mohammad Ali
Nasra Abd Elmotagaly Ibrahim Aly (BA, Banha University): Society and State in 18th and 19th c. Rural Egypt