Oct. 29: Introduction: Prof. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO) and Dr. Nora Lafi (ZMO)
I- A Philosophical Approach to Cosmopolitanism
Nov. 12: Dr. Martine Prange (University of Groningen): Cosmopolitanism and the Modern World: From Kant to Nietzsche
II- Ottoman Towns: Discussing the Cosmopolitan Paradigm
Dec. 10: Dr. Valeska Huber (Konstanz University): Cosmopolitanism on the Move: Port Said as Imperial Relay Station
Dec. 17: Dr. Ariel Salzman (Queen’s University): Islamicate Urbanity or Cosmopolitanism? The Ottoman Impact on the Mediterranean Moral Economy (1450-1800)
Dec. 18: Prof. Edhem Eldem (University Boðaziçi): Bourgeois Identity, Culture and Networks in Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries in Istanbul
Jan. 14: Dr. Marc Aymes (Paris, Fellow of Europe in the Middle-East – The Middle-East in Europe 2007-2008, ZMO): The Cosmopolitan Within: Compounds of Ottoman-ness In and Around a Modern Mediterranean Quasi-City. Cyprus in the 19th Century
Jan. 28: Prof. Suraiya Faroqhi (Istanbul, University of Munich): Muslim and Non-Muslim Craftsmen in Istanbul at the End of the 18th Century: Reflections on Cosmopolitanism in an Urban Ottoman Context
Feb. 11: Dr. Muhammad Sabri al-Dali (Helwan University, Fellow of Europe in the Middle-East – The Middle-East in Europe 2007-2008, ZMO): Foreigners in Ottoman Alexandria: Coexistence and Discords
Feb. 25: Dr. Gergana Georgieva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Fellow of Europe in the Middle-East – The Middle-East in Europe 2007-2008, ZMO): Cosmopolitanism and the Urban Governance of a Balkan Town – Sofia in the Late 18th - Early 19th Centuries
Mar. 10: Dr. Pascale Ghazaleh (American University in Cairo): Traders and Urban Life in Ottoman Cairo: Cosmopolitanism, Money and Power
III- Post-Ottoman Towns and the Question of Cosmopolitanism: Nationalism, Colonialism, Ethnicism
Mar. 31: Dr. Bojan Aleksov (University College London): Balkan Cities 1878-1912: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalisms
Apr. 14: Prof. Henk Driessen (University of Radboud, Nijmegen): Cosmopolitanism in a Comparative Mediterranean and Historical Context
Apr. 28: Prof. Steven Vertovec (Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften, Göttingen): Exploring Socio-cultural Dimensions of Cos-mopolitanism
May 19: Mehmet Yashin (Cyprus): Cosmopolitanism, Empire and the Nation: Karamanlidika’s Role in the Modernisation of the Turkish Language and
June 02: Prof. Fred Halliday (London School of Economics): Cosmopolitanism, Ethnicity and Nationality
June 16: Prof. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO) and Dr. Nora Lafi (ZMO): Conclusion