Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar 2008-2009
ZMO-EUME-Colloquium Ottoman Urban Studies Seminar
Chaired by Prof. Ulrike Freitag and Dr. Nora Lafi
Annual Theme 2008-2009 : Daily life in Ottoman Towns
Twice a Month
Mondays 17:00-19.00
Starting November 10, 2008
November 10, 2008:
Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi
Introduction. Daily life in Ottoman Towns: Historiographical Stakes and new Research Fields
November 24, 2008:
Vangelis Kechriotis (Bogazici University; Fellow of
Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe 2008/09): "Buy your bread on Saturday!" Aspects of Every Day Relations between Christians and Muslims in Izmir during the Second Constitutional Period"
December 8, 2008:
Feras Kremsty (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der
Wissenschaften): "Daily Life Conflictuality in Ottoman Aleppo:
Confessional Communities, Petitions and Social Regulation"
January 12, 2009:
Cengiz Kirli (Bogazici University, Istanbul): "News and Popular Opinions in Mid-nineteenth century Ottoman Istanbul"
January 26, 2009:
Mohsen Shuman (Zaqaziq University, Cairo): "Daily Life in ottoman Cairo: what Court Records Teach about Labour, Neighbourhood and Family Relations"
February 9, 2009:
Johan Büssow (Research Centre 586 "Difference and Integration, "Universities of Leipzig and Halle-Wittenberg): "StreetPolitics in Damascus: Popular Unrest during the Period of Egyptian Rule,
February 16, 2009:
Donald Quataert (State University of New-York at Binghamton):
"An Ottoman Rashemon and the Telling of History: the coalfield town of Eregli as seen through a Corruption Court Case"
March 2, 2009:
Fatiha Loualich (Algiers University): "Street life in Ottoman Algiers: Kinship, Property and Social Order"
March 16, 2009:
Dalenda Largueche (Manouba University, Tunis): "Women's Daily Life in Tunis 18 th -19th Century: Gender Subordination and Justice Negociation"
April 20, 2009:
Johann Strauss (Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg):
"Linguistic Diversity and Every Day Life in Ottoman Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans"
May 4, 2009:
Selçuk Dursun (Istanbul; Fellow of Europe in the Middle East
- The Middle East in Europe 2008/09): "Wood for Living and Timber for Fraud: Everyday Politics of Corruption in Trabzon in the late 19 th Century"
May 18, 2009:
Ismael Montana (Northern Illinois University; Fellow of Europe in the Middle East - The Middle East in Europe 2008/09):
"Ethno-Religious Contours of West African Households in the Ottoman
Regency of Tunis, 1738-1860s ca."
June 8, 2009:
Christoph, Herzog (University of Bamberg): "Trivia of Late Ottoman Daily Life"
June 22, 2009:
Ulrike Freitag and Nora Lafi: Conclusion
Conference Hall
Zentrum Moderner Orient
Kirchweg 33
14129 Berlin-Nikolassee