January 10: Rebels and their Rivals in a Syrian Town (1920s)
by Michael Provence (Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, ZMO)
January 24: A Glimpse into Infanticide Cases in Nineteenth Century Ottoman Cities
by Gulhan Balsoy (Fellow of Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe 2010/11)
February 7: The March 1909 Riots in Istanbul: Reform, Reaction, Islam and Clashing Political Strategies
by Zeynep Turkyilmaz (Fellow of Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe 2010/11)
February 21: Fluid Identities and Violent Alliances: Localism versus Class in the Urban Violence of Interwar al-Mahalla al-Kubra – Egypt by Hanan Hammad (Texas Christian University; Fellow of Europe in the Middle East – The Middle East in Europe 2010/11)
March 7: From Shanghai to Yug-2: Violence and the Urban Youth of a Bishkek Neighbourhood
by Philipp Schroeder (MPI fuer Ethnologische Forschung, Halle)
March 21 : Urban Mobs in Early 19th Century Istanbul: the Besiktas
Rebellion (September 1807) and the Cardak Incidents (May 1808)
by Aysel Yildiz (Sabanci University)
April 11: Urban Violence in Shihr (Yemen): Space and Identities
by Sylvaine Camelin (Universite Paris X Nanterre)
May 2: To Whom Belong the Streets? Investment in Public Space and Popular Contentions in Late Ottoman Damascus
by Till Grallert (Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies)
May 16: The Civic Domestication Process of Urban Factional Violence in Late Middle-Ages Italian Cities
by Patrick Boucheron (Universite Paris I Sorbonne)
June 6: Conclusion: Nelida Fuccaro (SOAS, London), Ulrike Freitag (ZMO) and Nora Lafi (ZMO)