Monde(s) has changed the publisher, from Armand Colin to Presses Universitaires de Rennes. The editorial team would like to use this opportunity to renew its call for articles to be published in its Varia section.
Since 2012, the journal has the ambition to serve as a catalyst for new historical researches on global history coming for the whole span of historiography, in terms of methodology or of geographical focus. All approaches of global history, such as the study of circulations (of ideas, culture, people, goods and money), of networks, of conflicts and or regulations (institutional or informal) are covered.
Each issue is divided in three parts: a theme section with 5-7 articles, a Varia section with a couple of unrelated articles, and a debate on an outstanding recent book.
Articles are published in French or in English.
The editorial committee welcomes the submission of articles for its Varia section. You can send your proposal to:
Proposals should be about 40.000 / 50.000 characters – including 2 abstracts, reference footnotes and spaces.
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