For the new De Gruyter Oldenbourg series Africa in Global History we are inviting manuscript proposals (monographs, edited/co-auhtored volumes) which tackle the themes of intervention and development, migration and colonial inter-connections, and trade and labour. Books should address both the particular, regional manifestations of this phenomenon, disaggregating the monolithic notion of ‘Africa in the World’, but also examine ways that ‘Africa as a country’ has been created through discourses of civilization, improvement and development.
We particularly encourage submissions from Africa-based scholars, early career scholars as well as established researchers alike. They can be sent at any stage of a project, but ideally include one or two sample chapters and a detailed synopsis of the project.
All titles in the series are peer reviewed and published in print and (ideally) open access to allow the widest possible distribution of new research results.
Christine Whyte, University of Glasgow
Alexander Keese, University of Geneva
Joel Glasman, University of Bayreuth
Omar Gueye, Cheikh Anta Diop University Dakar
Advisory Board
Patrick Manning
Conceição Neto
Toyin Falola
Scholastique Diazinga
Babacar Fall
Isabella Kentridge
William Gervase Clarence-Smith
Felicitas Becker
Emma Hunter
Matt Graham
Erin Jessee
Joe Alie
Ibrahim Sundiata
Lynda Day
Colleen Kriger
Kristin Mann
Lorelle Semley
Vanessa S. Oliveira
Andreas Eckert