Journal of World History 31 (2020), 1

Titel der Ausgabe 
Journal of World History 31 (2020), 1
Weiterer Titel 

4 Ausgaben in 3 / 4 Heften pro Jahr
Anzahl Seiten
264 S.



Journal of World History
United States
Journal of World History c/o Prof. Matthew Romaniello Department of History Lindquist Hall 1299 Edvalson St., Dept. 1205 Ogden UT 84408-1205

The Journal of World History publishes research into historical questions requiring the investigation of evidence on a global, comparative, cross-cultural, or transnational scale. It is devoted to the study of phenomena that transcend the boundaries of single states, regions, or cultures, such as large-scale population movements, long-distance trade, cross-cultural technology transfers, and the transnational spread of ideas. Individual subscription is by membership in the World History Association.



Liberal and Illiberal Internationalisms
Philippa Hetherington and Glenda Sluga, pp. 1–9.

Liberals, Socialists, Internationalists, Jews
Abigail Green, pp. 11–41.

"Neither East Nor West," Neither Liberal Nor Illiberal? Iranian Islamist Internationalism in the 1980s
Timothy Nunan, pp. 43–77.

Urban Planning and the Politics of Expert Internationalism, 1920s–1940s
Phillip Wagner, pp. 79–110.

The Crisis of Liberal Internationalism: The Legacies of the League of Nations Reconsidered
David Petruccelli, pp. 111–136.

Constructing the 'City of International Solidarity': Non-Aligned Internationalism, the United Nations and Visions of Development, Modernism and Solidarity, 1955–1975
Ljubica Spaskovska, pp. 137–163.

Liberal and Illiberal Internationalism in the Making of the League of Nations Convention on Broadcasting in the Cause of Peace
David Goodman, pp. 165–193.

India, Apartheid and the New World Order at the UN, 1946–1962
Alanna O'malley, pp. 195–223.

The Little Ice Age and the Demise of Rome: Lessons for the Anthropocene?
Roger L. Albin, pp. 225–232.

A Primer for Teaching Environmental History: Ten Design Principles by Emily Wakild and Michelle K. Berry (review)
Frank Zelko, pp. 232–235.

Europe and the European Union in Times of Growing Scepticism
Martijn Lak, pp. 236–250.

Barbed-Wire Imperialism: Britain's Empire of Camps, 1876–1903 by Aidan Forth (review)
Mark Condos, pp. 250–253.

Trading in Faith: Christianity and Globalization?
Philip Jenkins, pp. 253–262.

Books Received, pp. 263–264.

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