1 Post-doc and 3 PhD positions "How discontinued International Organizations have shaped European governance since the 1910s" (LMU Munich)

1 Post-doc and 3 PhD positions (LMU Munich)

LMU Munich
Place of work
Thomas Rohringer, Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

The Chair in Modern History, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich) invites applications for four positions in the framework of the ERC-funded research project “Hidden Legacies. How discontinued International Organizations have shaped European governance since the 1910s (InechO)” (PI: Prof. Dr. Kiran Klaus Patel).

1 Post-doc and 3 PhD positions (LMU Munich)

The project:
What happens after international organizations (IOs) cease to exist? InechO hypothesizes that for a full understanding of international history and questions of political governance more broadly, it is indispensable to consider the legacy and impact of liquidated IOs. The project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under Grant Agreement No 101096005.
We are looking for:
1) 1 Post-doc (TV-L E13, 100%) initially on a fixed-term basis of one year, but can be extended by up to another three years afterwards.
2) 3 PhD positions (TV-L E13, 65%) on a fixed-term basis of three years.

1) Post-doc
Your responsibilities:
- research in the context of InechO (with the opportunity for Habilitation) on the legacy of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (1949–1991) in Eastern Central Europe during the 1990s
- help prepare and organize project-based events and activities

Your profile:
- suitable candidates will have a PhD degree in modern European OR modern East (Central) European history with outstanding results (a focus on the international history of European cooperation and integration is an asset, but not a prerequisite)
- candidates must demonstrate their openness towards working in an interdisciplinary context as well as an interest in theoretical questions
- fluency in English is a prerequisite. Additionally, fluency in two Slavic languages OR in one Slavic language and another East or Southeast European language is also a prerequisite
- candidates are expected to be team players and have an open, effective communication style

2) 3 PhD positions
Your responsibilities:
- research in the context of InechO on one of the following projects:
a) the legacy of the Sugar Union (1902–1913), a Brussels-based IGO for the economic governance of sugar. In the context of empire, it forged strong links between Europe, the United States and the Global South.
b) the intersection of interwar and postwar internationalisms through the case study of the Centre International de Sylviculture (1936–1946) and the European Wood Commission (1942–1944/45), two closely intertwined Nazi-led IGOs.
c) the role of the European Coal and Steel Community (1952–2002) in the EC/EU. The ECSC was the earliest predecessor of today’s European Union and came to an end in 2002, when its contractual basis expired.
- help prepare and organize project-based events and activities

Your profile:
- suitable candidates will have an MA degree in modern European history with outstanding results
- candidates must demonstrate their openness towards working in an interdisciplinary context as well as an interest in theoretical questions
- fluency in English is a prerequisite for all positions. Additional language competencies are required depending on the project:
a) Fluency in French and Spanish is a prerequisite
b) Fluency in German, Italian and in one East European (preferably Slovak) OR one Scandinavian (preferably Swedish) language is a prerequisite; good command of French is an asset
c) Fluency in German and French is a prerequisite, good command of Italian is an asset
- candidates are expected to be team players and have an open, effective communication style

Procedure for both Post-doc and PhD positions:
Please submit your application documents electronically by 16 October 2023 to Dr. Thomas Süsler-Rohringer (Thomas.rohringer@lmu.de) as one PDF file:

(1) Cover letter (750 words maximum)
(2) Curriculum vitae (3 pages maximum)
(3) List of publications and list of courses taught
(4) Degree certificates
(5) Outline of the project (1,000 words maximum)
(6) Names and email addresses of two referees. These scholars should be people who know you and your work well. Please note that we do not initially require letters, and we may not contact your referees.

Additionally, for the Post-doc position as a separate pdf file:
(1) Pdf of your doctoral dissertation

Contact (announcement)

Dr. Thomas Süsler-Rohringer

Historisches Seminar der LMU
Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte
Postfach 105
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München

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