The Max Weber Centre at the University of Erfurt is an Institute for Advanced Studies and hosts several interdisciplinary research groups under the umbrella of its Weberian research programme. One of these groups is the Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies/ Kollegforschungsgruppe (KFG) “Religion and Urbanity“ (FOR 2779), which currently invites applications for
Research Fellowships (3-6 months)
within the period of 01.04.2023 and 30.09.2024.
Religion and Urbanity
The research group “Religion and Urbanity: Reciprocal Formations” investigates the co-constitution and co-evolution of religion and the urban. This includes the reciprocal processes deriving from, but also impacting on objects, architecture, and texts as well as narratives, imaginaries and aspirations. Fellowships are awarded to scholars working in the Humanities, especially in the fields of History, History of Religion or in the fields of Sociology and Urban Studies with a focus on historical and religious developments in the pre-modern era especially. During the second funding phase, the group will focus on processes of ‘group formation and segmentation’, ‘mercantilisation’ and ‘boundary demarcation’.
The research group “Religion and Urbanity” is financed by the German Research Foundation (FOR 2779). Its spokespeople are Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau and Prof. Dr. Jörg Rüpke.
Further information about the Max Weber Centre and “Religion and Urbanity” is available at: and The results of the research group are published on the open access platform “Religion and Urbanity Online” (ISSN: 2750-8080) with de Gruyter.
We will provide fellows with office space including work facilities. Working languages are English and German. The fellowships start either on 1 April or 1 September/ 1 October (beginning of the terms at Erfurt University). Fellowships are usually awarded for a duration of 3 to 6 months. Financial arrangements take the individual situation of the awardees of the fellowships into account and are based on the principle “no loss, no gain” (e.g., covering of additional costs, compensating salary reductions or payment for replacement teaching).
To be eligible for a fellowship, candidates must propose a research project to be conducted in Erfurt within the “Religion and Urbanity” framework and have an outstanding academic record, at least one published monograph and a minimum of three years of postdoc research experience. Fellows are required to participate actively in the interdisciplinary and intercultural life of the Centre and to contribute to the weekly colloquia of the research group.
Please submit your application with
- a cover letter that indicates the preferred period of your stay at Erfurt
- an outline of the research project you would like to pursue addressing the group’s research focus (3,000-5,000 words) with a stringent discussion of your a) research questions, b) the state of research on the topic, c) the methodological approach and the leading hypotheses as well as d) a working schedule with a projected date of completion and publications of results
- a curriculum vitae and copies of your last university degrees
- a list of publications
- electronic copies of up to three of your monographs or articles relevant to the research focus
as a combined pdf-file (maximum of 15 MB, publications may be presented in separate files) and mentioning the reference number until 15.09.2022 to
By submitting your application, you are agreeing with the conditions of using your data as stated (together with your rights of data protection) in: []
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr.Elisa Iori (
The University of Erfurt is an equal opportunities employer in compliance with the Thuringian Equal Opportunities Act (Thüringer Gleichstellungsgesetz). It is committed to the values of diversity and gender equality. It has been audited as a "family-friendly university" and has received the rating "Equality excellent" for its programme supporting female professors. Increasing the proportion of women in research and teaching is one of the university's strategic goals; qualified female academics are therefore expressly encouraged to apply. Handicapped candidates are treated preferentially in the case of equal suitability, professional performance and qualification.
The University of Erfurt seeks to actively promote the compatibility of families and careers, offering flexible working hours and further training opportunities as well as a range of health and prevention offers as part of the company health management.
The University of Erfurt does not cover any costs incurred by the application.