2 Scholarships for International PhD Candidates "Global and Area Studies" (Univ. Leipzig)

2 Scholarships for International PhD Candidates, granted by the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) at the Graduate School Global and Area Studies (GSGAS) at Leipzig University

Graduate School Global and Area Studies, Leipzig University
Gefördert durch
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Vom - Bis
01.10.2025 - 30.09.2029
Martina Keilbach, Graduate School Global and Area Studies, Universität Leipzig

The Graduate School Global and Area Studies (GSGAS) at Leipzig University invites applications for 2 scholarships for international PhD candidates within the Graduate School Scholarship Programme funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Successful applicants will receive a PhD scholarship from the DAAD of 1.300 €/month (including health and liability insurance, as well as research allowances) for 48 months. International applicants who have not been living in Germany for more than 15 months can apply. At the time of the application, the last final exam (Master's Degree) should have taken place no longer than six years ago.

2 Scholarships for International PhD Candidates, granted by the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) at the Graduate School Global and Area Studies (GSGAS) at Leipzig University

Due to its broad interdisciplinary orientation, the GSGAS offers an ideal framework for dissertation projects focusing on regional, transregional, transnational, and global topics in their historical and contemporary dimensions.
Possible thesis projects should study questions that are relevant for analysing today's global challenges, either from a contemporary social science or historical transregional or transnational perspective. Topics could include, for example, issues of crisis and security, such as conflicts, revolutions, upheavals, but also pandemics, climate change, and other crises and their combinations in key moments of political, social, economic and ecological transition processes. Disciplinary approaches may include trans-imperial history, the history of decolonisation, comparative post-colonial societies, migration and refugee studies, legal history, and economic history. We are also interested in projects that take a critical approach to the plethora of assessments in scholarship and media that are meant to describe new global dynamics, such as “polycrisis,” “permacrisis”, “nearshoring”, “slowbalization,” in other words, the slowing down of globalization.

Application Process:
Candidates are selected in a two-step process by GSGAS and DAAD. Candidates are nominated during the selection process by the GSGAS to the DAAD. The final decision is made by the DAAD. The applicants who have been selected for a scholarship by the GSGAS must further submit a completed application form with all supporting documents via the DAAD-portal.
1. step: Written Application to the GSGAS, deadline 15. November 2024 (application form and required documents please find here: https://recentglobe.uni-leipzig.de/en/graduate-school/bewerbung)
2. step: Selection interviews & nomination by the GSGAS (Jan/Feb 2025)
3. step: Online application in the DAAD portal & DAAD funding decision. A guideline for the application to the DAAD will be made available to nominees after step 2 (until May 2025)
After a successful scholarship application, the scholarship can be started in October 2025.


Graduate School Global and Area Studies, Leipzig University
Dr. Martina Keilbach

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