The International Seminar on the History of the Atlantic World at Harvard University announces the availability of short- term grants to support archival research in Atlantic history, 1500-1825. The awards, up to a maximum of $2,000, are designed to support research for transnational studies focused on the interrelations and connections among the peoples of the Atlantic world in the early modern period. Grants may be used for research in any archive or depository; they are primarily intended as travel grants, not to cover the cost of equipment or the living expenses of researchers already in place.
The grants are open to both advanced doctoral and post-doctoral scholars, with the emphasis on individuals at the beginning of the academic career. The deadline for applications is April 16, 2007, for grants to be used from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008.
Applicants should submit:
- a short CV;
- a brief (c. 2-3 pages) description of the overall project, the specific research to be undertaken, and the archives or holdings to be visited;
- an explanation of the amount requested;
- two letters of recommendation, specific to the proposal, to be sent directly by the referees by the due date;
- a cover letter indicating approximately when the grant will be used, listing the names of referees, and providing contact information for the notification period (May-June 2007), if different from that on the CV.
Successful applicants will be required to submit a report explaining the outcome of the research for which the grant was used within 60 days of the completion of their trip. An abstract of the report will be posted on the Seminar Website. Completed application materials should be sent to:
Short-Term Research Grant Program
Atlantic History Seminar
Emerson Hall 4th Floor
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
Applications and letters of reference may also be sent as email attachments (to, or faxed (to 617-496-8869). All applications will be acknowledged; please contact our office if you have not received confirmation of receipt within a reasonable time.
Please note that the office will not be staffed April 12-23, but snail mail will be received as usual, and e-mailed materials will be acknowledged when we reopen. No applications will be jeopardized as a result of any delays that may occur during this period. If you do send materials during this period and do not receive a confirmation of receipt during the week of April 24, please contact the office.
A list of previous recipients is posted on our Website: