Working Papers Global and Area Studies

Working Papers Global and Area Studies

Project owner / organizer
Deutsches Übersee-Instituts (DÜI)/ German Overseas Institute ()
Hosting organization
From - Until
01.06.2005 -
Kappel, Robert

The German Overseas Institute (DÜI) in Hamburg just launched its new Working Papers Global and Area Studies. The Series serves to disseminate the results of its research prior to publication to encourage the exchange of ideas and academic debate. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. In many cases, papers will later be published by international journals. All Working Papers can be downloaded free of charge at: We also offer a free subscription, so if you wish to receive all issues by e-mail (PDF file), just let us know your e-mail address to include in the mailing-list.

The first issues are:
· No 1: Matthias Basedau: Context Matters - Rethinking the Resource Curse in Sub-Saharan Africa; May 2005 (Abstract / Download full article as PDF file [ca. 550 kB])
· No 2: Bert Hoffmann: Emigration and Regime Stability: Explaining the Persistence of Cuban Socialism; June 2005 (Abstract / Download full article as PDF file [ca. 450 kB])
· No 3: Susan Steiner: No 3: Susan Steiner - Decentralisation and Poverty Reduction: A Conceptual Framework for the Economic Impact, June 2005 (Abstract / Download full article as PDF file [ca. 200 kB])

Neue Reihe: Working Papers Global and Area Studies
Um in der internationalen Forschung noch stärker als bisher präsent zu sein, hat das Deutsche Übersee-Institut (Hamburg) die neue Reihe Working Papers Global and Area Studies lanciert. Hier werden aktuelle Ergebnisse der Forschung des DÜI noch vor ihrer Veröffentlichung präsentiert und international zur Diskussion gestellt. In vielen Fällen handelt es sich um Aufsätze, die später in renommierten Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht werden. Alle Working Papers werden kostenlos als download zur Verfügung gestellt unter: Wir bieten zudem den Bezug als kostenloses Abonnement per Mailing-list; teilen Sie uns einfach Ihre E-Mail-Adresse zur Aufnahme in den Verteiler mit, wenn Sie alle Ausgaben der Working Paper Series regelmäßig zugeschickt haben wollen.

Die ersten Ausgaben:
· No 1: Matthias Basedau: Context Matters - Rethinking the Resource Curse in Sub-Saharan Africa; May 2005 (Abstract / Download full article as PDF file [ca. 550 kB])
· No 2: Bert Hoffmann: Emigration and Regime Stability: Explaining the Persistence of Cuban Socialism; June 2005 (Abstract / Download full article as PDF file [ca. 450 kB])
· No 3: Susan Steiner - Decentralisation and Poverty Reduction: A Conceptual Framework for the Economic Impact, June 2005 (Abstract / Download full article as PDF file [ca. 200 kB])

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Project Language(s)
English, German