The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History

The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History

Project owner / organizer
Palgrave Macmillan Publisher ()
Hosting organization
London, UK
United Kingdom
From - Until
01.10.2003 -
Saunier, Pierre Yves

The first sketches for a Dictionary of transnational history were made in the Fall of 2003. The purpose was to publish a robust multi-entry reference volume covering the modern age (circa 1850-circa 2000). This period sees both the high tide mark of the nation-state and a moment where the entities and borders built by these nation-states are assaulted by flows of all sorts: goods, capital, ideas, causal processes, creeds, words, people, germs…. What circulations and connections of all sorts do to nation states, and what nation states do to circulations, is the gist of the volume. The result should be an historically informed picture of the interconnections and interdependencies that have given birth to the modern world, be they cross national, regional or global connections. Accordingly, the volume aims to cover all the fields, from gender to subaltern studies, from political to cultural history, from war to trade, from religion to the arts, with a strong concern for the past but an equally solid interest in very recent times.

The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History team is made up of five associate editors. Jane Carruthers (University of South Africa), Donna Gabaccia (University of Minnesota, USA), Rana Mitter (Oxford University, UK), Mariano Plotkin (Instituto de Desarollo Ecomico y Social, Argentina) and Patrick Verley (Université de Genève, Switzerland). The general editors are Akira Iriye (Harvard University) and Pierre-Yves Saunier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France). After a three day workshop in March 2005, areas of areas of responsibilities were apportioned among these seven persons, and commissioning began in that Spring. The first drafts were received in the Fall of 2005, and the editing stage is now in the home stretch, the final manuscript due to be delivered to the publishers towards the middle of 2007.

When it is published in early 2009, the Dictionary will be some 800 000 words, with around 460 articles written by over 350 contributors from 37 different countries. The entries are written by researchers in geography, sociology, political science, anthropology, economics and a gamut of interdisciplinary studies, as well as by an important but not overwhelming number of historians. The high quality of the articles received to date makes the editors believe that the Dictionary will be an important resource for all those with an interest in the historical study of connections and circulations, whatever the label they choose, from global to international, trans local or world history.

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Subject - Topic
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