On the Move and on the Spot. Tracing Circulations and Adaptions of Knowledge from and to Eastern Europe

On the Move and on the Spot. Tracing Circulations and Adaptions of Knowledge from and to Eastern Europe

Ines Rößler, GWZO; Julia Kuhre, GWZO
The Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO)
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
01.06.2023 - 02.06.2023
Connections Redaktion, Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics, Universität Leipzig

At the crossroads of the two research lines – the transnational and global history of knowledge and the entangled histories of Eastern Europe – this workshop explores circulations and adaptations of a wide range of knowledge from Eastern Europe. The focus is on the period between the 1920s and the 1970s to better understand continuities and discontinuities across the caesura of World War II and the establishment of communist rule and a socialist social order.

On the Move and on the Spot. Tracing Circulations and Adaptions of Knowledge from and to Eastern Europe

The history of knowledge has been on the rise for some time – expert and academic, applicable, and applied bodies of knowledge are being studied. Inspiration from transnational and global history has led to a multitude of inquiries ranging from border-crossing circulations to the study of global knowledge orders. Processes of appropriation and adaptions to specific contexts, whether local, national, or imperial moved to the fore. In parallel the study of Eastern Europe has been widened from a focus on intra-regional connectedness to region-transcending connectivity. At the crossroads of these two research lines – the transnational and global history of knowledge and the entangled histories of Eastern Europe – this workshop explores circulations and adaptations of a wide range of knowledge from Eastern Europe. The focus is on the period between the 1920s and the 1970s to better understand continuities and discontinuities across the caesura of World War II and the establishment of communist rule and a socialist social order. How were expert networks and their knowledge production persisted or changed by the war and the system transformation? How were knowledge-related agendas and connected practices being revised and turned anew in the context of the rupture of the 1940s. We investigate these questions with scholars from different academic contexts in East and Central Europe.


Thursday, June 1, 2023
Welcome and Introduction
Katja Castryck-Naumann (GWZO Leipzig)

Transnational Environmental Problems and Policies
Chair: Béla Tomka (HistGlob, University of Szeged)

Márton Simonkay (HistGlob/ELTE Budapest):
Environmental Movements Linked Across the Iron Curtain in the 1980s

Timm Schönfelder (GWZO Leipzig):
Circulated Pedological Knowledge and Soviet Hydrotechnical Hubris in a High-Modernist World

Jíra Janáč (Charles-University Prague):
Technocratic Environmentalism during the Cold War: Czechoslovak Experts in the EEC UN (1950s–1980s)

Comment: Uwe Müller (GWZO Leipzig)

16.15–16.45 Coffee break

Academic Knowledge Production
Chair: Zsombor Bódy (HistGlob/ELTE Budapest)

Melinda Kalmár (HistGlob/University of Szeged):
Alternative Trails of the Global Path in Education and Science. Adaptation Constraints and Strategies in Cold War East-Central Europe

Katja Castryck-Naumann (GWZO Leipzig):
Roots and Ends of Circulations: Polish Economics in UNESCO's Survey of the Social Sciences (1963–1970/2)

Beata Hock (GWZO Leipzig):
Eastern-europeanizing the Bauhaus

Comment: Jakub Mazanec (Charles-University Prague)

Discussion over dinner

Friday, June 2, 2023
Applied Science
Chair: Peter Bencsik (HistGlob, University of Szeged)

Gábor Koloh (HistGlob/ELTE Budapest):
The Contribution of Central European Specialists to the Development of International Population Research Networks in the 19th-20th centuries

Lucie Duškova (GWZO Leipzig):
The Scientific-technological Revolution and its Impact on the Workplace

Markus Keller (HistGlob, ELTE Budapest):
Housing for the Elderly. Knowledge Transfer and Implementation —
the Hungarian Example

Comment: Maren Röger (GWZO Leipzig)

11.00–11.30 Coffee break

Media, Sports, and Citizen Science
Chair: Uwe Müller (GWZO Leipzig)

Róbert Takács (Institute of Political History Foundation Budapest): Hungarian Journalists in the International Entanglements. Cooperation and Contestation during the Cold War

Katalin Baráth (HistGlob, University of Szeged):
International Goals. Managing Football Tours

Frank Hadler (GWZO Leipzig):
Bird Watchers United: Participation in the Making of the European Breeding Bird Atlases (EBBA I and II)

Comment: Antje Dietze (Leipzig University)

13.30–14.30 Lunch Break

Katja Castryck-Naumann, Uwe Müller (GWZO Leipzig)

Contact (announcement)

Ines Rößler (GWZO) ines.roessler@leibniz-gwzo.de
Julia Kuhre (GWZO) julia.kuhre@leibniz-gwzo.de

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