Friday, 15 July
from 14.30: Registration
15.30 Welcome with Guest of Honour: Wolf Suschitzky
15.45 Unresolved Questions of Film Exile in Britain after 1928 (Kevin Gough-Yates) - Respondent: Christian Cargnelli
16.45 Discussion
17.00 Tea
17.15 British Theatre and Cinema Europe - The Case of Arnold Ridley and Geza von Bolvary (Lawrence Napper)
17.45 “A foundling asylum” - Werner Brandes and BIP (Kelly Robinson)
18.15 Discussion
18.30 Dinner
20.30 Harbour Lights Cinema: Wolf Suschitzky, Director of Photography – An Introduction to GET CARTER
21.00 Harbour Lights Cinema (Film Screening): GET CARTER (UK 1971)
Saturday, 16 July
9.30 Extending Frames and Exploring Spaces: Alfred Junge, Set Design and Genre in British Cinema of the 1930s (Sarah Street)
10.00 THE GHOUL (1933) and the ‘English Gothic' (James Chapman)
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Kamera: Krampf – From Weimar Cinema to Gaumont-
British and Beyond (Michael Omasta)
11.30 Passages: Curt Courant's Work in British Exile (Robert Müller)
12.00 Discussion
12.15 Lunch
13.30 Panel: Researching the History of German and Austrian Cinema – CineGraph and SYNEMA (Brigitte Mayr, Michael Omasta, Hans Michael Bock)
14.00 Discussion
14.15 ‘German , or still more horrible thought Russian - at any rate, it is un- English!': A Wide Shot of Exile, Emigré and Itinerant Activity in the British Film Industry in the1930s (Amy Sargeant)
14.45 Hein Heckroth at The Archers (Andrew Moor)
15.15 Lost in Siberia: Erno Metzner in Britain (Laurie N. Ede)
15.45 Discussion
16.00 DVD Screening
16.15 Tea
16.30 Allegories of Displacement: Conradt Veidt's British Films (Gerd Gemünden)
17.00 Lilli Palmer in Britain – A German Actress Became an International Star (Barbara Ziereis)
17.30 Anton Walbrook: Transformations of an Actor (Michael Williams)
18.00 Discussion
18.30 Dinner
20.30 Film Screening (Lecture Theatre A)
Sunday, 17 July
9.30 Down and out in London – Carl Mayer (1894-1944) (Brigitte Mayr)
10.00 DVD Screening
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Emigrés Against Hitler: British Anti-Nazi Films and German-speaking Film Personnel (Tobias Hochscherf)
11.30 The Representation of German Jewish Emigrés in British Newsreels, 1933- 1942 (Richard Clarke & Jeff Hulbert)
12.00 Discussion
12.15 Lunch
13.30 My Song Goes Round the World: Escapism and Social Comment in the Music of Hans May and Ernst Meyer (Geoff Brown)
14.00 I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING: Hearing Germanic Music in the Scottish Isles ( Kevin Donnelly )
14.30 Musical Avant-garde Meets Film: THE MAGIC CANVAS and Matyas Seiber's Impact Upon British Film Music (Florian Scheding)
15.00 Discussion
15.30 Closing Panel: Film Exile and Identity – The Influence of Continental Filmmakers on British Cinema (Charles Barr, Pam Cook, Kevin Gough-Yates, Sarah Street / Chair: Tim Bergfelder)
16.30 Tea