This is a call for panel proposal and papers. We welcome submissions on the nine themes of the conference:
· The global campaign for action against poverty (or ‘Make Poverty History’)
· Global reform/ Global democracy
· Global justice/ Global ethics
· The Africa Crisis
· The UN Millennium development goals
· Global environmental justice
· The global AIDS crisis
· Trade justice/ Fair trade/ Free trade
· Global human security
Paper and/or panel submissions should be made in the form of an abstract, not more than 500 words long, and should be sent to by no later than 30th June 2005. Papers and panels on topics outside these themes, from Global Studies Association members will also be considered.
Confirmed keynote speakers include Robin Cohen, President of the Global Studies Association UK; Ankie Hoogvelt, Sheffield University, UK; Heikki Patomäki, University of Helsinki, Finland and, to be confirmed, Andre Gunder Frank.
The delegates rate will be £30 for full-time academics or professionals. Full board, which includes two conference dinners, lunch and all tea/ coffee facilities, will be £100. Members of the Global Studies Association (UK) are entitled to a 15% discount on the full delegate rate. There will be a number of places available for postgraduates to waive the £30 conference fee on application (with preference given to paper-givers). This does not include accommodation. Accommodation is not available via the conference organization and must be arranged separately (see website for suggested hotels). It is also possible to register without meals for £30.
For enquiries in respect of registration for the Conference, or any other queries in relation to the Conference,
please contact Mrs. Nicki Carter.