Provisional Programme
Friday 16 September
Welcome: Florian Schui (Cambridge)
Keynote Address and Discussion
Saturday 17 September
Session 1: The Transfer of Ideas about Taxation in the context of a Period of Wars and Revolutions
Commentator: Chris Clark (Cambridge)
France and Germany in the Eighteenth Century: The Case of the Régie
Florian Schui (Cambridge)
Exchanging Taxation Projects in Eighteenth-Century Europe: The case of Italian Cadasters
Christine Lebeau (Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg, France)
Taxation in Napoleonic France and Italy
Alexander Grab (University of Maine, USA)
Session 2: Transfers of Ideas about Taxation within Empires
Commentator: TBA
Taxation in the French Colonial Empire under the Third Republic (1870-1914)
David Todd (Cambridge)
Tax Transfers: Ideas and Practices in the British Empire, c. 1850-1947
Martin Daunton (Cambridge)
Japan and the United States since World War Two
W. Elliott Brownlee (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Sunday 18 September
Session 3: Transfers of Ideas about Taxation in the Context of State Formations
Commentator: Peter Becker (European University Institute Florence, Italy)
The Transfer of Ideas about Taxation in the German Empire, 1880s-1914
Andreas Thier (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Transfer of Ideas about Taxation between the USA and Germany, 1880-1920
Holger Nehring (University of Oxford)
Panel Discussion: Transfers of Ideas about Taxation, Economic and Financial Institutions and State-Building
W. Elliot Brownlee
Martin Daunton
Holger Nehring
Florian Schui