‘Jews, Empire and Race’

AHRB Parkes Centre for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations, University of Southampton, UK
Southampton, UK
Southampton, UK
United Kingdom
Vom - Bis
27.09.2005 - 29.09.2005
Taverner, Steve

‘Jews, Empire and Race’ will explore literary, historical and theoretical approaches to the study of the various roles played by both Jews and ‘the Jew’ in the rise and fall of European empires. It will also examine how Jews have been subjected and responded to processes of racialisation from the late eighteenth century onwards, focussing particularly on the role of 'race science'.

Booking forms and accommodation details will shortly be available - please email parkes @ soton.ac. uk for information.

There is a conference fee of £60 (sterling) for all three days, or £25 per day. Payment can be made by cheque made payable to "University of Southampton".

Sponsored by the ‘Jews and Literary Representation’ and the ‘Race, Ethnicity and Memory’ projects of the Parkes-AHRC Research Centre for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish relations, University of Southampton and the journal Patterns of Prejudice (Taylor & Francis).

Conference organisers:
Professor Tony Kushner, Dr Nadia Valman (University of Southampton)
and Dr Eitan Bar-Yosef (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)


Wednesday 27 July
09:00 - 09:10 Introduction by Tony Kushner
Director of the AHRB Parkes Centre for the Study of Jewish/ non-Jewish Relations, University of Southampton

09:15 - 10:15 David Feldman
The British Empire and the Jews c.1900

10:15 - 10:30 Refreshments

10.30-12.00 Session 1:
A - The Jew Bill and After
Dana Rabin: Jews and Gypsies in 1753: A Case Study
Cora Kaplan: Prejudice theorized. Antisemitism and Racism in Maria Edgeworth's: Harrington and The Grateful Negro
Michael Scrivener: Philosemitism, Physiological Determinism and Romantic Aporias in Edgeworth, Coleridge, and M. W.

B - ‘Jews in Space’: i. The Jewish Atlantic
Jessica Roitman: ’Life on the Margins’: Sephardic Colonists and
Colonization in the Portuguese Atlantic Colonies, 1580-1654
Tobias Brinkmann: From Space to Time: Reinterpreting the Jewish
Mass Migration from Eastern Europe to America
John Klier: The Atlantic Economy and Jewish Emigration (19th-
20th centuries): A Preliminary Topology

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13.00 - 14.30 Session 2
A - Masculinity, Race and Nation in Victorian culture
Ruti Ungar: ‘One of the most elegant... in the whole race of Boxers’:
Jewish and Black pugilists in England, 1780-1820
Daniel Christianson: ‘The Powerful Physique of the Nation’: Racial and National Discourse in Mona Caird’s The Daughters of Danaus and George Du Maurier’s Trilby
Jo Carruthers: ‘Swaying the Sceptre of Empire’: Masculine Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century Christian Writings on the Book of Esther

B - ‘Jews in Space’: ii. On the borders of Identity
Wieke Vink: Interior frontiers and colonial categories: the Surinam
Jewish experience
Brigitta Eszter Gantner: Between the Cultures: Jewry in the border territories of the “Habsburg” Hungary 1867-1896
Maite Ojeda-Mata: The ‘Spanish Jews’: three´contexts of ‘(re)encounter’

14:30 - 15:00 Refreshments

15.00 - 16.30 Session 3
A - Palestine and Victorian Christianity
Alison Dingle: “The Israelites who have become believers in Christianity, form the congregation”: The messianic chronotope in Stirring Times
Heidi Kaufman: Empire, Race, and the Jewish Homeland in
Charlotte Tonna’s Judah’s Lion
Nadia Valman: The Fall of Jerusalem in Victorian Fiction

B - ‘Jews in Space’: iii. Global networks
Abigail Green: A common cause? International Jewish relief
and British imperialism in the 19th century.
Adam Mendelsohn: To the “extreme side of the habitable globe”: the
emergence of the Englishlanguage diaspora in the mid-nineteenth century
Karine Walther: Barbarity and Civilization: the United States and the
Jews and Muslims of Morocco, 1880-1920

19:00 - 20:15 Evening Lecture by Bryan Cheyette
Postcolonial Literature and the Jews

Thursday 28 July
09:30 - 11:00 Session 4
A - Empire and the Edwardians
Stephanie Chasin: Imperial Icons: From Models of Assimilation to Self- Determination
Rachel Shulman: English/Jewish: Colonizing Palestine, 1871-1895
Eitan Bar-Yosef: In Deronda’s Shadow: The Zionist Plot in Popular
Edwardian Fiction: Jews and Ethnography

B - Jews and Ethnography
Leo Riegert: ‘One Foot in the Ghetto and One Foot in the West’: The
Ethnographic Writing of Karl Emil Franzos
Michael Yellin: Diasporic Blues: Dixie Zionism in Waldo Frank’s Holiday
Veronika Lipphardt: Transferable Elements of Knowledge? Concepts of Race and the Emigration of German-Jewish anthropologists after 1933

11:00 - 11:30 Refreshments

11:30 - 13:00 Session 5
A - South Africa, Jews and Empire
Milton Shain: The Racialisation of ‘The Jew’ in South Africa, C. 1870
– 1930
Adrienne Munich: Jews and Jewels on the Nineteenth-Century South
African Diamond Fields
Richard Mendelsohn: Fighting for the Empire: Anglo-Jewry and the South African War (1899-1902) in comparative perspective

B - The Austro-Hungarian Empire and its aftermath
Lisa Silverman: Jews, Non-Jews and the Legacy of Empire in Gregor
von Rezzori’s Memoirs of an anti-Semite
Kati Tonkin: The ‘Wandering Jew’ as Ideal: Joseph Roth’s Juden
auf Wanderschaft
Elana Shapira: The Kaiser and the Jewish Art Lovers – Jewish
Assimilation and Modern Architecture and Design in Vienna

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14.00 - 15.00 Session 6
A - Regulating the Russian Jew
Natan Meir: ‘Empire and Community: Russian Imperial Policy on
the Jewish Community’
Eugene Avrutin: Invisible Jews: Movement, Perceptions, and the
Problem of Recognition in Late Tsarist Russia

B - Anglo-Jewry and Empire between the Wars
Gavin Schaffer: Louis Golding and the Question of ‘Race’
Susan Cohen: Eleanor Rathbone, Imperialism and race

15:00 - 15:30 Refreshments

15.30 - 17.00 Session 7
A - Immigration and London’s East End
Frances Ross: A study of Jewish migrant experiences in the London
tailoring ‘Sweatshops’ of 1888-1930
David Glover: Jews and Others in Darkest London
Nils Roemer: ‘Doing the Town’: London and the East End as Spaces
of Urban Tourism

B - Postcolonialism and Jewish history in contemporary literature
Jennifer Glaser: Translating the Post- Holocaust through the Post-
Colonial: The Mouthpiece of Identity in Cynthia Ozick’s A Mercenary
Ruth Gilbert: Impersonations: Constructing (Post)Colonial
Identities in Linda Grant’s When I Lived in Modern Times
Phyllis Lassner: ‘No Decolonization for the Jew’: Diane Samuels'
Kindertransport and Julia Pascal's Holocaust Trilogy

17:30 - 20:00 Conference Dinner

Friday 29 July
09:30 - 11:00 Session 8
A - Theorising ‘the Jew’ in the context of Empire
Santiago Slabodsky: Hybridizing the Barbaric Hebrew. Postcolonial
Theory, Jewish Radicalism, and Subaltern Otherness in the Americas
Jessica Dubow: Theoretical Spaces: Judaism, Mobility and Anti-
Imperial Thought
Cathy Gelbin: Configuring the Uncanny: The Golem and the anti-Semitic Imagination

B - Chosen Peoples?
Tudor Parfitt: The Western colonial enterprise and the
construction of Judaism
Eric Reisenauer: Chosen Races: Britons and Jews in Imperial Thought,
David Lieberman: Racialism revived: reconstructing Jewish biological difference in the 21st Century

11:00 - 11:30 Refreshments

11:30 - 12:30 Session 9
A - The State and ‘the Jew’
Nick Evans: Quayside Racialisation. The Role of States in Ethnic Labelling: Britain, the United States and Canada, 1793-1923
Didi Herman: ”An Unfortunate Coincidence”: Jews and Jewishness in English Judicial Discourse

B - Fascism and colonialism
Daniel Walther: ‘Dr Gurland wants to go to Africa’: a study in Nazi racial policy, bureaucracy and colonialism before WWII
Isabelle Rohr: ‘Good Sephardim and Bad Ashkenazim’: How Franco’s
Spain tried to reconcile antisemitism with imperialism, 1939-1945

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 - 15:00 Session 10
A - Black, White and Jew in twentieth-century America
Klaus Hoedl: The Medical View of Jews and African-Americans
around the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Aviva Taubenfield: The Role of Israel: Zangwill’s Drama within Early 20th- Century Trans-Atlantic Debates over the Race Science and Heredity
Clive Webb: ‘Jewlatto’: The Contested Racial Identity of Jews in
the American South

B - Ethnicity, Diaspora, Identity in contemporary art and writing
Rachel Garfield: Jewish Invisibility and Black Visual Art: cultural
positioning in contemporary visual art
Keren Omry: Composing Identities: Passing and Jazz in Roth’s The Human Stain and Jackie Kay’s Trumpet
Zoe Trodd: Stories of the Self: Jewish American Autobiography
and the Ethnic- Autobiographical Tradition

15:15 - 16:00 Closing Comments

16:00 - 17:00 Tour of Southampton’s Jewish and Migration Heritage


Dr Steve Taverner
AHRB Parkes Centre
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ, UK
Tel: (+44) 23 8059 2261
Fax: (+44) 23 8059 3458

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