Overlapping National Histories: An European Panorama

Overlapping National Histories: An European Panorama

ESF NHIST Team 4 “Overlapping National Histories in Europe”
Brücke/Most Stiftung, Reinhold-Becker-Straße 5, D-01277 Dresden
Vom - Bis
01.12.2005 - 04.12.2005
Hadler, Frank

Thursday, December 1, 2005


7 pm
Welcome by the team-leaders
Tibor Frank (Budapest)
Frank Hadler (Leipzig)

8 pm Dinner at the Brücke/Most Stiftung

Friday, December 2, 2005 Brücke-Villa 9:00-12:30 am

Opening Remarks by NHIST Chair Stefan Berger (Manchester)
Publication Plans of the ESF NHIST Programme

PART I: Overlapping National Histories in Northern Europe

Ilkka Liikanen (Joensuu)
The Origins of the Eastern Border as the Grand Controversy of Finnish National Historiography"

Ilja Solomeshch (Petrozavodsk)
Abundance of Karelias: Paradigms for Studying Overlapping Past and Present

10:30 -11:00 am Coffee break

Ragnar Björk (Södertörns)
Sweden and Norway: Overlaps in Nordic Historiographies

Uffe Østergård (Copenhagen)
Danish-German Historiographical Overlap concerning Schleswig-Holstein

1:00-2:00 pm Lunch

3:00-5:00 pm Visit of the Sächsisches Staatsarchiv
Wilhelm-Buck-Str. 4, 01097 Dresden

Welcome by the director Dr. Jürgen-Rainer Wolf
Dr. Niels Brübach
Presentation: “Keeping Records from Saxony’s and Europe’s Past: The Dresden State Archives, it Holdings and its Functions”

7:00 Dinner

Restaurant Chiaveri im Sächsischen Landtag
Bernhard-von-Lindenau-Pl. 2
D-01067 Dresden
Tel:++49 351 4960399

Saturday, December 3, 2005 Brücke-Villa

9:00 am -12:00 pm
PART II: Overlapping National Histories in Southern Europe

Xosé Manoel Núňez Seixas (Santiago de Compostela)
Real and Imagined Overlaps in Iberian State and Stateless Nationalisms 19th-20th Centuries: A Joint Interpretation

Jacob Barnai (Haifa)
Main Dilemmas in Israeli Historiography

10:15 - 10:30 pm Coffee break

Drago Roksandic (Zagreb)
Concept of “Multiple Boderlands” in Recent Croatian Historiography:
Reseach Practices and Controversies

Robin F.C. Okey (Coventry)
Overlapping historiographies in Bosnia

12:30 am - 2:00 pm Lunch

2:30 - 5:00 pm
PART III: Overlapping National Histories in Central and Eastern Europe

Werner Suppanz (Graz)
Hegemony or Supranationalism. Narratives on national overlaps in the
Habsburg Empire in the Austrian historiography after 1918

Jörg Hackmann, Greifswald
From confrontation to re-conciliation? German-Polish historiographical interrelations on the German-Polish territorial overlap

Rafał Stobiecki (Łódż)
National History versus Imperial History: On the History of Polish-Russian Historiographical Dispute in the 19th and 20th centuries

3:45 – 4:00 pm Coffee break

Elena Mannová (Bratislava)
Challenged by Thousand Years of Territorial Overlap with Hungary: Historiography in Slovakia

Milan Řepa (Brno)
The Czechs, Germans and Sudetenland: Historiographical
Dispute in the “Heart of Europe”

5:15 pm Coffee break

5:30 – 7:00 pm
PART IV: Overlapping National Histories in Central and Western Europe

Niek C.F van Sas (Amsterdam)
The Netherlands and Belgium: From a short Territorial to a long Historiographical Overlap

Ciaran Brady (Dublin)
Looking Backwards: Conflicting Nationalities, Competing Histories and the Formation of the Irish Historical Profession

7:30 pm Dinner

Sunday, December 4, 2005

10:00 – 11:30 am

Tibor Frank and Frank Hadler
How to come to Terms with the Phenomenon of Overlapping National Histories in Europe – Elements of an Introduction to the NHIST Team 4 Volume

12:00 Lunch




Frank Hadler

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