provisional programme
Thursday, June 1st
14.00- 14.30 Welcome Address and General Presentation of the Conference Themes
Session 1: Narrating Transcultural Modernities
14.30-15.30 Keynote
15.30-16.00 Tea & coffee break
16.00-18.00 Round Table I: Summary Presentation of Papers and Discussion
18.00-20.30 Wine Reception and Reading
Friday, June 2nd:
09.30-10.00 Visit Installation
Session 2: Postcolonialism in Transition
10.00-11.00 Keynote
11.00-11.15 Tea & coffee break
11.15-13.15 Round Table II: Summary Presentation of Papers and Discussion
13.15-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.00 Short Cuts: Euro-African Cinema
Session 3: Words, Sounds and Images: Modes of Narrating Africa in Europe
15.00-16.00 Keynote
16.00-16.30 Tea & coffee break
16.30-18.30 Round Table III: Summary Presentation of Papers and Discussion
Conference Dinner
Saturday, June 3rd:
Session 4: Transcultural Challenges in/of Euro-African Lifewriting
09.00-10.00 Creative Keynote
10.00-10.30 Tea & coffee break
10.30-12.30 Round Table IV: Summary Presentation of Papers and Discussion
12.30-13.45 Lunch break
Session 5: Politics of Representing Euro-African Identity
13.45-14.45 Keynote
14.45-15.00 Tea & coffee break
15.00-17.00 Round Table V: Summary Presentation of Papers and Discussion
17.00-18.00 Closing Discussion