June, 14th
09.30-10.30 Registration and Coffee
10.30-10.40 Welcome from John Eade, CRONEM Executive Director
Parallel sessions:
Identity politics
10.45-11.15 L. Michael
11.20-11.50 A. Imtiaz
11.55-12.25 J. Zavos
10.45-11.15 U. Troche
11.20-11.50 D. Hadjigeorgiou
11.55-12.25 R. Race
National borders and immigration
10.45-11.15 F. Morral-Cardoner
11.20-11.50 D. Bhandar
11.55-12.25 H. van Amersfoort
10.45-11.15 P. Knepper
11.20-11.50 M. Madriaga
11.55-12.25 W. Ackah
British national identity and multiculturalism (panel)
10.45-11.15 S. Mock
11.20-11.50 D. Halikiopoulou
11.55-12.25 E.M. Asari
Construction of identity
10.45-11.15 L. Storey
11.20-11.50 G. Netto
11.55-12.25 T. Sund
For all sessions:
Chapman Hall
12.30-13.15 Michael Banton “Problem finding in ethic and racial studies”
13.15-14.15 Lunch
Chapmann Hall
14.15-15.00 Catherine Hall “Thinking race, thinking empire”
Parallel Sessions:
Research methods
15.00-15.30 S. Salway
15.35-16.05 G. Gangoli
15.00-15.30 D. Weber
15.35-16.05 M. Araújo and H. Santos
15.00-15.30 L. Miller
15.35-16.05 S. Spencer
Identity politics in the EU
15.00-15.30 M. Verlot
15.35-16.05 I. Camozzi
15.00-15.30 J.S. Rai
15.35-16.05 I. Galfarsoro
Politics of knowledge
15.00-15.30 J. Wills
15.35-16.05 G. Schaffer
For all sessions:
16.00-16.30 Tea
16.30-17.30 Anne Phoenix
Kenan Malik “Multiculturalism as description an prescription
17.30-17.40 Welcome from Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Roehampton University
17.40-18.40 Ash Amin “Love the neighbour?”
Chetan Bhatt “Authorian ethics and cultural ecologies”
18.40-19.40 Publisher’s Reception and Book Lauch
20.15-22.45 Dinner and Entertainment
June, 15th
9.30-10.00 Registration
Prallel sessions
Islam and Citizenship
10.00-10.30 K. Pedziwiatr
10.35-11.05 L. Panketh
10.00-10.30 K. Tyler
10.35-11.05 A. Parmar
Politics of knowledge
10.00-10.30 T. Yamamori
10.35-11.05 A. Hadházy
Dance and identity
10.00-10.30 L. Sanders
10.35-11.05 A. David
Construction of identity
10.00-10.30 A. Pettigrew
10.35-11.05 C. Lacroix
For all sessions:
11.05-11.35 Coffee
Chapman Hall
11.35-12.20 John Rex “Ethic identity in a multicultural society”
Parallel sessions
Sports and identity
12.25-12.55 J. Lusted
13.00-13.30 D. Burdsey
Migrants and labour market
12.25-12.55 J. Herbert
13.00-13.30 J. Eade and M. Garapich
12.25-12.55 S. McKinney
13.00-13.30 D. Hakobyan
Research methods
12.25-12.55 Caballero, Edwards, Smith
13.00-13.30 K. Mand and S. Weller
British Army – Past and Present
12.25-12.55 J.G. Davies
13.00-13.30 M. Bennett
12.25-12.55 M. Okuyama
13.00-13.30 N. Khattab
For all sessions:
13.30-14.30 Lunch
Parallel sessions:
Construction of identity
14.30-15.00 S. Chattoo
15.05-15.35 O. lynch
14.30-15.00 J. Argade
15.05-15.35 E. Liarou
Cultural hybridity and cosmopolitanism
14.30-15.00 C. Globisch
15.05-15.35 W. Gallois
14.30-15.00 M. Mirza
15.05-15.35 J. Haritaworn
Identity politics in the EU
14.30-15.00 G. Sinatti
15.05-15.35 J. Pecenka
All sessions:
Chapman Hall
15.35-16.35 Les Black “London calling: 7th July bombings and the fact of multiculture
Kim Knott “Communities of faith and the politics of belief”
Roger Ballard “Living with difference”
16.35-17.00 Concluding discussion an close
17.00-17.30 Tea