Connecting Mediterranean and Atlantic History. 2nd meeting of the Atlantic Italies Network

Connecting Mediterranean and Atlantic History. 2nd meeting of the Atlantic Italies Network

Silvia Marzagalli (Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine); Roberto Zaugg (Universität Bern)
MSHS du Sud-Est – amphithéâtre 031 - 25, avenue François Mitterrand – Nice
From - Until
08.11.2018 - 09.11.2018
Roberto Zaugg

Entanglements linking agents, states and markets of Italian-speaking territories to the Atlantic world cannot be reduced – as they often are – to the ‘heroic’ deeds of ‘Italian’ navigators such as Columbus or to the well-studied mass migrations of the late nineteenth / early twentieth century. Despite the fact that no early modern Italian state ever possessed colonies in the Americas or in West Africa, from the late fifteenth to the early nineteenth century a variety of significant relations developed between these regions. Challenging the established vision of Italian history and its traditional focus on internal, European and Mediterranean contexts, the Atlantic Italies Network joins recent attempts to re-read the history of the peninsula in its global dimensions. It advocates for a trans-imperial approach to the Atlantic world and aims at bridging two fields of scholarship which have largely evolved along separate lines: Atlantic history and Mediterranean history. In order to achieve this goal, it focusses on economic dynamics and related cultural phenomena, examining the circulation of goods and knowledge as well as specific brokers involved in Italian-Atlantic connections.

The conference is open to the public (no inscription fees). Due to current security measures, interested persons are required to announce their presence by writing a mail to the following address:


THURSDAY 8 November

14.00: Reception
14.15: Jean-Paul Pellegrinetti, director of the CMMC, Welcome address
14.20: Silvia Marzagalli (CMMC, Nice) and Roberto Zaugg (Universität Bern), Introduction
14.45: Maria Fusaro (Exeter University, ERC “Average”), Keynote address

15.45 Coffee break

Session 1 – chair: Roberto Zaugg (Universität Bern)
16.15: Nicholas Scott Baker (Macquarie University, Sydney), The Botti family. From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic world
16.45: Francesco Guidi Bruscoli (Università di Firenze), Breaking boundaries. Florentine merchants and the Atlantic (late 15th - early 16th centuries)
17.15: James Nelson Novoa (University of Ottawa), Portuguese merchants as mediators between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean in Pisa (1580-1640)
17.45: Discussion
18.30: End

FRIDAY 9 November

Session 2 – chair: Silvia Marzagalli (CMMC, Nice)
9.00: Giorgio Tosco (European University Institute, Florence), From interloping to companies? Genoese and Tuscan responses to a shifting Atlantic economy (mid-17th century)
9.30: Antonella Alimento (Università di Pisa), Atlantic trade as an instrument of national economic renewal. The Caribbean in the vision of the governor of Livorno, Carlo Ginori (1746-1757), and of his informal network
10.00: Discussion

10.45: Coffee break

Session 3 – chair: Maria Fusaro (Exeter University)
11.15: Benedetta Crivelli (Università Bocconi, Milan), Venice in a global world. Shipping and commodities in the reconfiguration of the Mediterranean space (16th - 17th centuries)
11.45: Robert Wells (Indiana University), From Old World Slavery to New. The Order of Malta in the Americas
12.15: Discussion

13.00: Lunch

Session 4 – chair: Markus Koller (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
14.30: Klemens Kaps (Universität Linz), Gateway economies in the North of Italy. The mercantile links of Lombardy and Trieste with Spanish Atlantic markets in the 18th century
15.00: David Do Paço (SciencesPo, Paris), Trans-Atlantic Trieste. The informal connections of the Grahl family from the Adriatic to the Delaware and the Hudson Bays, 1770s-1820s
15.30: Discussion
16.15: Coffee break

Session 5 – chair: Andrea Addobbati (Università di Pisa)

16.45: Valentina Favarò (Università di Palermo), From the Neapolitan court to the Viceroyalty of Peru. Carmine Nicola Caracciolo between interests, networks and governmental practices (1700-1720)
17.15: Luca Codignola (University of Notre Dame / Saint Mary’s University, Halifax), Alabaster traders and their kin. Travelling between North America and the Italian peninsula, 1763-1846
17.45: Discussion
18.30: Conclusions
19.00: End

Contact (announcement)

Silvia Marzagalli

Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine

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