Abstracts: French and German, pp iii - vi (free access)
Defining Transnationalism PATRICIA CLAVIN, pp 421 - 439 (free access)
Scoundrels without a Fatherland? Heavy Industry and Transnationalism in Post-First World War Germany CONAN FISCHER, pp 441 - 464
Transnationalism and the League of Nations: Understanding the Work of Its Economic and Financial Organisation PATRICIA CLAVIN, JENS-WILHELM WESSEL, pp 465 - 492 (free access)
The Transnational Dream: Politicians, Diplomats and Soldiers in the League of Nations' Pursuit of International Disarmament, 1920–1938 ANDREW WEBSTER, pp 493 - 518 (free access)
J. P. Morgan & Co., the House of Morgan and Europe 1933–1939 MARTIN HORN, pp 519 - 538
‘To Learn Nothing and To Forget Nothing’: Italian Socialism and the Experience of Exile Politics, 1935–1945 ALEXANDER DE GRAND, pp 539 - 558
National Internationalists: British and West German Protests against Nuclear Weapons, the Politics of Transnational Communications and the Social History of the Cold War, 1957–1964 HOLGER NEHRING, pp 559 - 582 (free access)
Conference Report Transnationalism in the Balkans: The Emergence, Nature and Impact of Cross-national Linkages on an Enlarged and Enlarging Europe, 26–27 November 2004 DENISA KOSTOVICOVA, NATALIJA BASIC, pp 583 - 590
Continuities and Discontinuities: New Research on the History of German Economic Institutions CHRISTOPHER KOPPER, pp 591 - 602
Nothing but Lost Opportunities? The History of the Italian Left, 1980–2000: A View from the Future ANDREA ROMANO, pp 603 - 611