Dear Colleagues,
Editors of Ab Imperio are pleased to announce the release of the first issue of the journal in 2003. Please find the table of contents below.
The thematic program of Ab Imperio in 2003 is devoted to exploration of varieties of borders, boundaries, and frontiers and their role in constituting political, social, and cultural experience. In the first issue you will find articles that tackle the problem of boundary as an analytical concept in various academic fields and as a human reality. Contributions from linguists, historians, and sociologists further explore how this concept can expand and enrich our understanding of empire and nation-building. The journal's continuous project "The State of the Art of History Writing on Empire and Nation" features a forum on dilemmas of history writing in Moldova, the development of national history in this borderland region, and present day interconnections between identity politics and historical memory.
Ab Imperio is an international quarterly devoted to theory of nationalism and history of empire and nationalities in the post-Soviet space. It is published in English and Russian in hard and web copy ( For submissions or subscription, please, contact the editors at,, or
VOLUME 1: TABLE OF CONTENTS (Please note that the language of publication is indicated in brackets.)
From the Editors. Probing the Limits of Historical Metanarratives: Imperial Boundaries (RUS/ENG)
Alfred Rieber. Changing Concepts and Constructions of Frontiers: A Comparative Historical Approach (ENG)
Andreas Kappeler. The Russian Southern and Eastern Frontiers from the 15th to the 18th Centuries (RUS)
David Laitin. What is a Language Community? (RUS)
Claus Scharf. Pugachev as Emperor between Center and Periphery: Defining the Problematic (RUS)
Marina Vituhnovskaia. Karelians at the Edges of Competing National Projects: Socioeconomic Differences between Russian and Finnish Karelias as a Nationality Policy Factor (RUS)
Pavel Varnavskii. The Boundaries of the Soviet Buryat Nation: "Cultural Nation-Building" in Buryatia in 1926-29 in Blueprints of National Intelligentsia and National-Bolsheviks (RUS)
Vladimir Bobrovnikov. Violence and Power in the Historical Memory of a Muslim Borderland (Toward a New Interpretation of the "Hochbar Tale") (RUS)
Ilya Gerasimov. "We Only Kill Each Other": Mapping the Inter-Ethnic Criminal Violence in Odessa, 1907-1917 (RUS)
Darius Staliunas. Borders in a Borderland: The Belarusians and the Ethno-linguistic Policy of the Russian Empire in Western Borderlands (the Era of "Great Reforms") (RUS)
Curt Woolhiser. Constructing National Identities in the Polish- Belarusian Borderlands (ENG)
Suzanne Wertheim. Language Ideologies and the "Purification" of Post-Soviet Tatar (ENG)
Elena Bezvikonnaia. Geopolitical Space of the Steppe: The Omsk Region and the Problem of Frontier in the Russian Imperial State Building (1820s-1830s) (RUS)
Documents from the State Archive of Omsk Region (RUS)
Tatiana Skrynnikova. Russia in Buryats' Identity Construction (RUS)
Kimitaka Matsuzato. Russian Studies across Borders. Slavic Studies in Japan and Social Sciences in Russia: A Joint Search for Breaking the Isolation (RUS)
>From the Editors Stefan Troebst. "We Are Transnistrians!" Post-Soviet Identity Management in the Dniester Valley (ENG)
Sergiu Musteata. "We are Rumanians?" History Teaching in the Republic of Moldova over the Last Decade (RUS)
Andrei Cusco, Viktor Taki. "Who Are We?" A Historiographic Choice between the Rumanian Nation and Moldavian Statehood (RUS)
Sergei Abashin. The Archeology of Central Asian Nationalisms (RUS)
Mark Baker. One Man Cannot an "Eastern Europe" Make, but he Can Certainly Try: Charles Frederick Henningsen and the Ideological Construction of Eastern Europe (ENG)
I. Martyniuk on Denis J. B. Shaw, Russia in the Modern World: A New Geography (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999). 314 p.
Emilian Kavalski on Patrick J. Geary, The Myth of Nations: The Medieval Origins of Europe (Princeton, NJ and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2002); xii+2000 p.
Paul du Quenoy on Alexander J. Motyl, Imperial Ends: The Decay, Collapse, and Revival of Empires (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001). 128 p.
Maya Lavrinovich on Claus Scharf. Katharina II, Deutschland und die Deutschen. Mainz: von Zabern, 1996. 570 S. (Abb.; ohne Abbildungen - Mainz, 1995)
Andrei Skorobogatov on L. M. Gavrilova. Russkaia istoricheskaia mysl' i medal'ernoe iskusstvo v epokhu Ekateriny II. St Petersburg. 2000. 256 P.
Tomasz Kamusella on Koichi Inoue (Ed.), "Dear Father!": A Collection of B. Pilsudski's Letters, et alii, Ser.: Pilsudskiana de Sapporo, no. 1 (Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 1999), 155 p., figures, facsimiles.
Wim van Meurs on Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer (Ed.), Culture Incarnate. Native Anthropology from Russia (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1995), xii, 270 pp.
Sergei Korshunov on A. N. Zorin. Goroda i posady dorevoliutsionnogo Povolzh'ia. Istoriko-etnograficheskoe issledovanie naselenia i poselencheskoi struktury gorodov rossiiskoi provintsii vtoroi poloviny XVI - nachala XX vv. Kazan: Kazan University Press, 2001. 704 P., 376 illustrations
Alter Litvin and Alla Sal'nikova on Israel Getzler, Nikolai Sukhanov. Chronicler of the Russian Revolution (London: Palgrave. 2002), xix, 226 p. (Illustr.)
Olga Velychko and Margarita Orlova on I. S. Iazhborovskaia, A. Iu. Iablokov, V. S. Parsadanova. Katynskii sindrom v sovetsko-pol'skikh i rossiisko-pol'skikh otnosheniakh. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001. 496 P.
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