Walter Markov Prize
As a network of historians and their colleagues from neighbouring disciplines ENIUGH continues a long tradition of studies on the past’s transnational and global dimensions. To foster and to refresh this tradition ENIUGH biennially awards the Walter-Markov-Prize, endowed with 1500 €, for an outstanding M.A.- or PhD-thesis.
The prize honours book length manuscripts exploring global dynamics, e.g. by taking up comparative perspectives, examining processes of cultural transfers, or by seeking to understand the entanglements of various spatial frameworks.
Walter Markov (1909–1993) was one of the leading German world historians enhancing the legacy of Karl Lamprecht, who initiated the Institute for Cultural and Universal History at the University of Leipzig in 1909. As director of this institute after the Second World War Markov invested much of his effort and time in resuming the international cooperation with scholars from Western Europe, which had been characteristic of the Leipzig tradition in world history writing. He was among the very first German scholars who initiated contacts with colleagues in Africa at the time of decolonisation and he inspired a school of thought on the comparison of colonising and decolonising processes as well as on comparing revolutions since the 18th century.