Vietnam and World History

Vietnam and World History

World History Association
Hanoi, Vietnam
From - Until
29.12.2013 - 31.12.2013
Katja Castryck-Naumann, Verflechtung und Globalisierung, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa

The World History Association, in association with the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi, the Vietnam History Association, and Hawaii Pacific University, has issued a Call or Papers for a Symposium on Vietnam in World History.

Submissions are welcome which pursue interdisciplinary, local-to global, comparative, or international approaches so as to provide an opportunity for dialogue among world historians and scholars of Vietnamese Studies.

Papers are particularly welcome which demonstrate Vietnam’s place in world historical processes or how our understanding of these processes must be modified in the light of the unique or special aspects of Vietnamese society.

These processes include aspects of cross cultural entanglements (such as hybridization, indigenization, localization, and syncretism); the decline and fall of empires; issues of gender; local agency; the colonial experience; nationalism; diasporas; warfare, conflict and post-conflict studies; trade; economy; language, religion, culture; art; national and regional questions in global perspective such as borderlands; diplomatic relations; investment, tourism; resource management issues; the environment; sustainability, and models for world history and global studies in terms of methodology, scholarship and instruction.

Submissions already received address such subjects as Colonialism and Confucianism Schools in Vietnam; Vietnamese urbanization in comparative perspective; Chinese principalities on the borderlands of Southeast Asia (including Ha Tien, Hoi An), the Religion of Champa in global perspective, Champa temple conservation issues, DRV programs promoting modernization and de-colonization in the early Cold War era; Reorganizing medical institutions (the modernization of Vietnamese medicine), Civilization and mobilization in PAVN during the American War in Vietnam; official and unofficial diplomacy in the Second World War, Role of women in development; Trade routes from the lower Mekong to the Southern Seas, Tonkinese labor in the New Hebrides, Mien Trung and World History and the role of South Asia in the First Indochina War.

These topics are general and examples only and should not be taken to exclude more detailed subjects. Scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals. Any questions about paper suitability should be directed to the program chair at

Proposals for entire organized panels should include the panel title and overall panel abstract, organizer’s name and contact information, followed by each panelist’s individual paper title, and contact information. Participants should be listed in the order they will present. Also, please clearly list chair information (if any). The program committee can help find a panel chair, if necessary. Individual panelists should then proceed to submit their individual papers to this panel and indicate that it is part of this panel where indicated.

Submit entire panels via the World History Association website link for organized panel submissions:

Individual paper proposals must include an abstract, no more than a 250 word summary with the title of the paper, your name, your institutional affiliation, email address, phone number, and brief curriculum vitae, all submitted to the WHA website link for individual paper submissions:

There is a limited number of AV-equipped rooms available so it is essential that you indicate your need for audiovisual equipment (and what kind) in your proposal. All meeting rooms are air conditioned.
All panelists who will attend the conference, whether as organizer, chair/moderator, discussant, or presenter, must register to be on the program by October 15th, 2013.

Because of the International Dateline, attendees may be able to make connections permitting participation at the American Historical Association meeting in Chicago later that week.

At the request of the conference hosts, the Vietnam National University - Hanoi, University of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Vietnam History Association, a workshop for Vietnamese teachers on world history will be held immediately prior to the symposium. Those interested in supporting/participating in the workshop should email:

Pre/post and concurrent symposium activities will be structured so as to permit tours of local sites and beyond which connect Vietnam to the wider region and the world, including Huế and possibly Hội An.

Registration fees (including those for attendee guests), accommodations, travel options, and tours will appear at


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