Thursday, 6 July 2017
13.30 Welcome and introduction:
Martin Rempe and Nikolai Wehrs (Konstanz)
14.00 Panel I: Cultural brokerage in musical life
Celia Applegate (Vanderbilt) and Martin Rempe (Konstanz)
What do George Eliot and George Kastner have in common? On inconspicuous impact of German music in 19th century France and Britain
Benjamin Walton (Cambridge)
Opera troupes beyond Europe
Comment: Jürgen Osterhammel (Konstanz)
15.30 Coffee
15.45 Panel II: The Sciences and transcultural knowledge production
Helen Anne Curry (Cambridge)
Seeds of contention: the Rockefeller Foundation, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the international conservation of crop diversity, 1960–1975
Kristin Meißner (Berlin)
Informal diplomacy: Western experts in Meiji Japan
Comment: Helmut Walser-Smith (Vanderbilt)
17.15 Coffee
17.30 Keynote speech
David Blackbourn (Vanderbilt)
Germans and the American university system in the 19th century
20.00 Workshop Dinner
Friday, 7 July 2017
9.30 Panel III: Consumer cultures and extractive industries
Jan Logemann (Göttingen)
Translating ‘American’ consumer culture: émigré marketing experts as cultural brokers
Steven M. Press (Stanford)
Blood and diamonds: Europe, Southwest Africa, and the culture of colonialism, 1908-1918
Comment: Laura Rischbieter (Konstanz)
11.00 Coffee
11.30 Panel IV: Brokered art and architecture
Margit Kern (Hamburg)
Hieroglyphs of Faith. Missionaries as actors in transcultural negotiation processes and image theory in 16th century New Spain (Mexico)
Johan Lagae (Ghent)
Houses for “whose” culture? 1950s projects for cultural centres in the Belgian Congo.
Comment: Cornelia Escher (Konstanz)
13.00 Lunch
14.30 Conclusion: Cultural brokers and their impact revisited
Bianca Gaudenzi (Cambridge)
Harry Liebersohn (Urbana-Champaign)
Sven Reichardt (Konstanz)
Moritz von Brescius (Konstanz)
Chair: Nikolai Wehrs (Konstanz)
16.00 Coffee and end of the meeting
18.00 Informal gathering at Constanzer Wirtshaus (beer garden)