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    Rev. by Piotr Puchalski, Institute of History and Archival Studies, University of the National Education Commission, Kraków
    • Huigen, Siegfried; Kołodziejczyk, Dorota (Hrsg.): East Central Europe Between the Colonial and the Postcolonial in the Twentieth Century, Cham 2023
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    Rev. by Martin Rempe, Fachbereich Geschichte und Soziologie, Universität Konstanz
    • Skelchy, Russell; Taylor, Jeremy E. (Hrsg.): Sonic Histories of Occupation. Experiencing Sound and Empire in a Global Context, London 2022
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    Rev. by Fabian Krautwald, Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention, Binghamton University
    • Fraiture, Pierre-Philippe (Hrsg.): Unfinished Histories. Empire and Postcolonial Resonance in Central Africa and Belgium, Ithaca 2022
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    Rev. by Ellinor Morack, Institute for Oriental Studies, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
    • Boyar, Ebru; Fleet, Kate (Hrsg.): Borders, Boundaries and Belonging in Post-Ottoman Space in the Interwar Period, Leiden 2022
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    Rev. by Ana Moledo, Leipzig University Email:
    • Hammond Perry, Kennetta: London Is the Place for Me. Black Britons, Citizenship and the Politics of Race, Oxford 2016
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    Rev. by Eva Berger, Archiv, Dokumentation & Recherche, taz, die tageszeitung, Berlin
    • Matthies, Volker: Im Schatten der Entdecker. Indigene Begleiter europäischer Forschungsreisender, Berlin 2018
    • Malzner, Sonja; Peiter, Anne D. (Hrsg.): Der Träger. Zu einer "tragenden" Figur der Kolonialgeschichte, Bielefeld 2018
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    Rev. by Michael Facius, Centre for Transnational History, University College London
    • Kramm, Robert: Sanitized Sex. Regulating Prostitution, Venereal Disease, and Intimacy in Occupied Japan 1945–1952, Oakland 2017
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    Rev. by Marcia C. Schenck, Internationales Geisteswissenschaftliches Kolleg Arbeit und Lebenslauf in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive (re:work), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Byrne, Jeffrey James: Mecca of Revolution. Algeria, Decolonization, and the Third World Order, Oxford 2016
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    Rev. by Jeffrey James Byrne, Department of History, University of British Columbia
    • R. W. Dietrich, Christopher: Oil Revolution. Anticolonial Elites, Sovereign Rights, and the Economic Culture of Decolonization, Cambridge 2017
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    Rev. by Tobias Rupprecht, Department of History, University of Exeter
    • Slobodian, Quinn: Globalists. The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism, Harvard 2018
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    Rev. by Frank Rochow, Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder) / Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena
    • Berger, Stefan; Miller, Alexei (Hrsg.): Nationalizing Empires. , Budapest 2015
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    Rev. by Stephanie Zehnle, Lehrstuhl für Außereuropäische Geschichte, Universität Duisburg-Essen
    • Habermas, Rebekka: Skandal in Togo. Ein Kapitel deutscher Kolonialherrschaft, Frankfurt am Main 2016
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    Rev. by Tobias Nagl, Department of English and Writing Studies (Film Studies Program), The University of Western Ontario
    • Fuhrmann, Wolfgang: Imperial Projections. Screening the German Colonies, New York 2015
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    Rev. by Felix Schürmann, Universität Kassel
    • Seibert, Julia: In die globale Wirtschaft gezwungen. Arbeit und kolonialer Kapitalismus im Kongo (1885-1960), Frankfurt am Main 2016
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    Rev. by Tyler Stovall, University of California, Santa Cruz
    • Goebel, Michael: Anti-Imperial Metropolis. Interwar Paris and the Seeds of Third World Nationalism, New York 2015
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    Rev. by Isabell Scheele, Université Aix-Marseille I / Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
    • Sèbe, Berny: Heroic Imperialists in Africa. The Promotion of British and French Colonial Heroes, 1870–1939, Manchester 2013
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    Rev. by Michael Goebel, Freie Universität Berlin
    • Aitken, Robbie; Rosenhaft, Eve: Black Germany. The Making and Unmaking of a Diaspora Community, 1884–1960, Cambridge 2013