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    Rev. by Tim Wätzold, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
    • Auroi, Claude; Helg, Aline (Hrsg.): Latin America 1810-2010. Dreams and Legacies, London 2012
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    Rev. by Stefan Troebst, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (GWZO), Universität Leipzig
    • Lüthi, Lorenz M.: The Sino-Soviet Split. Cold War in the Communist World, Princeton 2008
    • Radchenko, Sergey: Two Suns in the Heavens. The Sino-Soviet Struggle for Supremacy, 1962-1967, Stanford 2009
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    Rev. by Moritz Isenmann, Universität zu Köln
    • Stanziani, Alessandro: Rules of Exchange. French Capitalism in Comparative Perspective, Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Centuries, Cambridge 2012
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    Rev. by Stefan Troebst, Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (GWZO) an der Universität Leipzig
    • Neuburger, Mary C.: Balkan Smoke. Tobacco and the Making of Modern Bulgaria, Ithaca 2012
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    Rev. by Christopher Storrs, University of Dundee
    • Bartolomé, Yun-Casalilla; O'Brien, Patrick K.; with Comin, Comin, Francisco (Hrsg.): The Rise of Fiscal States. A Global History, 1500-1914, Cambridge 2012
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    Rev. by Oliver Krause, Research Akademie Leipzig
    • Stern, Philip J.: The Company-State. Corporate Sovereignty and the Early Modern Foundations of the British Empire in India, Oxford 2011
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    Rev. by Martin Uebele, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
    • Michael D., Bordo; MacDonald, Ronald (Hrsg.): Credibility and the International Monetary Regime. A Historical Perspective, Cambridge 2012
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    Rev. by Mandy Kretzschmar, Macquarie University
    • Summo-O'Connell, Renata (Hrsg.): Imagined Australia. Reflections around the reciprocal construction of identity between Australia and Europe, Frankfurt am Main 2009
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    Rev. by Geert Castryck, Institut für Afrikanistik / Centre for Area Studies, Universität Leipzig
    • Stanard, Matthew G.: Selling the Congo. A History of European Pro-Empire Propaganda and the Making of Belgian Imperialism, Lincoln 2011
    • Vanthemsche, Guy: Belgium and the Congo, 1885-1980. , Cambridge 2012
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    Rev. by C. Nana Derby, Virginia State University
    • Hindman, Hugh D.: The World of Child Labor. An Historical and Regional Survey, Armonk 2009
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    Rev. by Pieter Emmer, Leiden
    • Stein, Barbara H.; Stein, Stanley J.: Edge of Crisis. War and Trade in the Spanish Atlantic, 1789-1808, Baltimore 2009
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    Rev. by Dominic Sachsenmaier, School of Humanities & Social Sciences - SHSS/ Modern Asian History, Jacobs University
    • Zhenglai, Deng (Hrsg.): Globalization and Localization. A Chinese Perspective, Singapore 2011
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    Rev. by Kim Scipes, Purdue University North Central
    • Rodríguez García, Magaly: Liberal Workers of the World, Unite?. The ICFTU and the Defence of Labour Liberalism in Europe and Latin America (1949–1969), Bern 2010
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    Rev. by Michael Mann, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Stern, Philip J.: The Company-State. Corporate Sovereignty and the Early Modern Foundations of the British Empire in India, Oxford 2011
    • Sutton, Jean: The East India Company's Maritime Service, 1746-1834. Masters of the Eastern Seas, Rochester 2010
    • weitere Titel ...
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    Rev. by Larry Allen, Lamar University
    • Appleby, Joyce: The Relentless Revolution. A History of Capitalism, New York 2010
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    Rev. by Frank Schumacher, University of Western Ontario
    • Ninkovich, Frank A.: Global Dawn. The Cultural Foundation of American Internationalism, 1865-1890, London 2009
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    Rev. by Markus Michael Müller, University Leipzig
    • Frankema, Ewout: Has Latin America Always Been Unequal?. A Comparative Study of Asset and Income Inequality in the Long Twentieth Century, Leiden 2009
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    Rev. by Ulrike Schmieder, Universität Hannover
    • Palmié, Stephan; Scarano, Francisco A. (Hrsg.): The Caribbean. A History of the Region and Its Peoples, Chicago 2011
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    Rev. by Sadia Bajwa, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
    • Aziz, Sartaz: Between Dreams and Realities. Some Milestones in Pakistan’s History, Karachi 2009
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    Rev. by Susanne Lachenicht, Universität Bayreuth
    • Canny, Nicholas; Morgan, Philip (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of the Atlantic World, 1450-1850. , Oxford 2011
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