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    Rev. by Thorben Pelzer, Research Centre Global Dynamics, Leipzig University
    • Carnino, Guillaume; Hilaire-Pérez, Liliane; Lamy, Jérôme (Hrsg.): Global History of Techniques:. (Nineteenth to Twenty-First Centuries), Turnhout 2024
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    Rev. by Jodie Yuzhou SUN, Department of History, Fudan University
    • Kaag, Mayke; Khan-Mohammad, Guive; Schmid, Stefan (Hrsg.): Destination Africa. Contemporary Africa as a Centre of Global Encounter, Leiden 2021
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    Rev. by Kleoniki Alexopoulou, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    • van Onselen, Charles: The Night Trains. Moving Mozambican Miners to and from the Witwatersrand Mines, 1902-1955., London 2020
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    Rev. by Edhem Eldem, Collège de France, Paris/Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
    • Fuhrmann, Malte: Port Cities of the Eastern Mediterranean. Urban Culture in the Late Ottoman Empire, Cambridge 2020
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    Rev. by Ahmad Rizky M. Umar, School of Political Sciences and International Studies, University of Queensland
    • Alexanderson, Kris: Subversive Seas. Anticolonial Networks across the Twentieth-Century Dutch Empire, Cambridge 2019
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    Rev. by Felix Schürmann, Forschungszentrum Gotha, Universität Erfurt
    • Falola, Toyin; Parrott, R. Joseph; Porter Sanchez, Danielle (Hrsg.): African Islands. Leading Edges of Empire and Globalization, Suffolk 2019
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    Rev. by Samuël Coghe, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
    • McVety, Amanda Kay: The Rinderpest Campaigns. A Virus, Its Vaccines, and Global Development in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge 2018
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    Rev. by Oliver Schmerbauch, Max-Weber-Kolleg für kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Studien, Universität Erfurt
    • Miller-Davenport, Sarah: Gateway State. Hawai‘i and the Cultural Transformation of American Empire, Princeton, New Jersey 2019
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    Rev. by Torsten Kahlert and Haakon A. Ikonomou, School of Culture and Society, Aarhus University
    • Sluga, Glenda; Clavin, Patricia (Hrsg.): Internationalisms. A Twentieth-Century History, Cambridge 2017
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    Rev. by Elena Valdameri, ETH Zürich
    • Jason Gilbert, Marc: South Asia in World History. , Oxford 2017
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    Rev. by Felix Brahm, German Historical Institute London
    • Reinhard, Wolfgang: Die Unterwerfung der Welt. Globalgeschichte der europäischen Expansion 1415–2015, München 2016
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    Rev. by Tobias Nagl, Department of English and Writing Studies (Film Studies Program), The University of Western Ontario
    • Fuhrmann, Wolfgang: Imperial Projections. Screening the German Colonies, New York 2015
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    Rev. by Benjamin Möckel, Historisches Institut, Universität zu Köln
    • Quaas, Ruben: Fair Trade. Eine global-lokale Geschichte am Beispiel des Kaffees, Köln 2015
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    Rev. by Megan Maruschke, Universität Leipzig
    • Mah, Alice: Port Cities and Global Legacies. Hardcover Urban Identity, Waterfront Work, and Radicalism, Basinstoke 2014
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    Rev. by Dawid Danilo Bartelt, Landesbüro Brasilien, Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Heinrich Böll
    • Fischer, Georg; Peters, Christina; Rinke, Stefan; Schulze, Frederik (Hrsg.): Brasilien in der Welt. Region, Nation und Globalisierung 1870–1945, Frankfurt am Main 2013
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    Rev. by Megan Campbell, Universität Leipzig
    • Urry, John: Offshoring. , Cambridge 2014
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    Rev. by Christiane Wienand, Department of German, University College London
    • Brunner, José; Goschler, Constantin; Frei, Norbert (Hrsg.): Die Globalisierung der Wiedergutmachung. Politik, Moral, Moralpolitik, Göttingen 2013
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    Rev. by Tim Wätzold, Katholische Universität Eichstätt
    • Pilcher, Jeffrey M. (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Food History. , New York 2012
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    Rev. by Manfred Berg, History Department, Heidelberg University
    • Immerman, Richard H.; Goedde, Petra (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of the Cold War. , Oxford 2013
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    Rev. by Dominic Sachsenmaier, School of Humanities & Social Sciences - SHSS/ Modern Asian History, Jacobs University
    • Zhenglai, Deng (Hrsg.): Globalization and Localization. A Chinese Perspective, Singapore 2011
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