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    Rev. by Amal Shahid, Centre of International History and Political Studies of Globalization, Institute of Political Studies, University of Lausanne
    • Blaser, Claire L.; Bornet, Philippe; Burger, Maya; Schreiner, Peter: Interweaving Histories. Itineraries between Switzerland and India (1900–1950), Basel 2023
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    Rev. by Victor Strazzeri, Universität Bern/Federal University of São Paulo
    • de Haan, Francisca (Hrsg.): The Palgrave Handbook of Communist Women Activists around the World, Cham 2023
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    Rev. by Francisca de Haan, Central European University Vienna / International Institute of Social History Amsterdam
    • Taber, Michael; Dyakonova, Daria (Hrsg.): The Communist Women’s Movement, 1920-1922. Proceedings, Resolutions, and Reports, Leiden 2022
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    Rev. by Mila Ganeva, Department of German, Russian, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, Miami University, Ohio
    • Pouillard, Véronique: Paris to New York. The Transatlantic Fashion Industry in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge, MA 2021
    • Taylor, Lou; McLoughlin, Marie (Hrsg.): Paris Fashion and World War Two. Global Diffusion and Nazi Control, London 2021
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    Rev. by Jan Stöckmann, Fakultät für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg
    • Owens, Patricia; Rietzler, Katharina (Hrsg.): Women's International Thought. A New History, Cambridge 2021
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    Rev. by Michael Mann, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    • Campbell, Gwyn; Elizabeth Elbourne (Hrsg.): Sex, Power, and Slavery. , Athens 2014
    • Major, Andrea: Slavery, Abolitionism and Empire in India, 1772-1843. , Liverpool 2012
    • weitere Titel ...
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    Rev. by Maren Röger, Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau
    • Branche, Raphaëlle; Virgili, Fabrice: Rape in Wartime. A History to Be Written, Basingstoke 2012
    • Hedgepeth, Sonja M.; Saidel, Rochelle G. (Hrsg.): Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women During the Holocaust. , Hanover N.H. 2010
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    Rev. by Maren Röger, Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau
    Hedgepeth, Sonja M.; Saidel, Rochelle G.: Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women During the Holocaust, Hanover N.H. 2012; 2010
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    Rev. by Eva Bischoff, Fachbereich III Geschichte, Universität Trier
    • Reuter, Julia; Villa, Paula-Irene (Hrsg.): Postkoloniale Soziologie. Empirische Befunde, theoretische Anschlüsse, politische Intervention, Bielefeld 2010
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    Rev. by Laurie Cohen, Universität Innsbruck
    • Sharp, Ingrid; Stibbe, Matthew (Hrsg.): Aftermaths of War. Women’s Movements and Female Activists, 1918-1923, Leiden 2011
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    Rev. by Amanda Porterfield, Florida State University
    • Reeves-Ellington, Barbara; Kish Sklar, Kathryn; Shemo, Connie A. (Hrsg.): Competing Kingdoms. Women, Mission, Nation, and the American Protestant Empire, 1812-1960, Durham 2010
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    Rev. by Rachel Hynson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    • Offen, Karen: Globalizing Feminisms. 1789-1945, New Yok 2009
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    Rev. by Friederike Brühöfener, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
    • Dülffer, Jost; Frank, Robert (Hrsg.): Peace, War and Gender from Antiquity to the Present. Cross-cultural Perspectives, Essen 2009