Rev. by Michael Mann, Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- Webster, Anthony: The Twilight of the East India Company. The Evolution of Anglo-Asian Commerce and Politics, 1790-1860, Rochester 2009
- Webster, Anthony: The Richest East India Merchant. The Life and Business of John Palmer of Calcutta, 1767-1836, Rochester 2007
- Bowen, Hugh V.: The Business of Empire. The East India Company and Imperial Britain, 1756-1833, Cambridge 2007
- McGilvary, George K.: East India Patronage and the British State. The Scottish Elite and Politics in the Eighteenth Century, London 2008
- McGilvary, George K.: Guardian of the East India Company. The Life of Laurence Sulivan, London 2006
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