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    Rev. by Aurelia Ohlendorf, Leibniz-Institut für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europas (GWZO), Leipzig
    • Miescher, Stephan F.: A Dam for Africa. Akosombo Stories from Ghana, Bloomington 2022
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    Rev. by Lena Dallywater, Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde Leipzig e. V. (IfL), Leipzig
    • Chandler, Nahum Dimitri: "Beyond This Narrow Now" Or, Delimitations, of W. E. B. Du Bois, Durham 2022
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    Rev. by Caitlin Barker, Michigan State University
    • Gao, Yunxiang: Arise Africa, Roar China. Black and Chinese Citizens of the World in the Twentieth Century, Chapel Hill 2021
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    Rev. by Keith Gottschalk, Political Studies Department, University of the Western Cape
    • Bolliger, Lennart: Apartheid’s Black Soldiers. Un-national Wars and Militaries in Southern Africa, Athens 2021
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    Rev. by Ismay Milford, Research Centre Global Dynamics, Universität Leipzig
    • Monaville, Pedro: Students of the World. Global 1968 and Decolonization in the Congo, Durham 2022
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    Rev. by Gabriel Schwake, Sheffield School of Architecture, University of Sheffield
    • Levin, Ayala: Architecture and Development. Israeli Construction in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Settler Colonial Imagination, 1958-1973, Durham 2022
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    Rev. by Ana Moledo, SFB 1199: “Verräumlichungsprozesse unter Globalisierungsbedingungen”, Universität Leipzig
    • Isaacman, Allen F.; Isaacman, Barbara S.: Mozambique’s Samora Machel. A Life Cut Short, Athens 2020
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    Rev. by Tiarne Barratt, School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales
    • K. R. Chávez: The Borders of AIDS. Race, Quarantine, and Resistance, Seattle 2021
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    Rev. by Robin Möser, Berlin
    • Patti, Carlo: Brazil in the Global Nuclear Order, 1945–2018, Baltimore 2022
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    Rev. by Soazig Villerbu, Université de Limoges, CRIHAM (UR 15507)
    • Englebert, Robert; Wegmann, Andrew N. (Hrsg.): French Connections. Cultural Mobility in North America and the Atlantic World, 1600–1875, Baton Rouge, LA 2020
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    Rev. by Isabella Löhr, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
    • Ricketson, Sam (Hrsg.): Research Handbook on the World Intellectual Property Organization. The First 50 Years and Beyond, Cheltenham 2020
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    Rev. by Ichiro Sugimoto, SOKA University, Tokyo
    • Kim, Diana S.: Empire of Vice. The Rise of Opium Prohibition Across Southeast Asia, Princeton 2020
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    Rev. by George Kalpadakis, Modern Greek History Research Center, Academy of Athens
    • Ghervas, Stella: Conquering Peace. From the Enlightenment to the European Union, Massachusetts 2021
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    Rev. by Lena Dallywater, Leibniz Institut für Länderkunde e. V.
    • Byrd, Brandon R.: The Black Republic. African Americans and the Fate of Haiti, Philadelphia 2020
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    Rev. by Ulf Engel, Leipzig University
    • Østebø, Terje: Islam, Ethnicity, and Conflict in Ethiopia. The Bale Insurgency, 1963-1970, Cambridge 2020
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    Rev. by Alexander Dontsow, Leipzig University
    • Benabdallah, Lina: Shaping the Future of Power. Knowledge Production and Network-Building in China-Africa Relations, Michigan 2020
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    Rev. by Heinrich Hartmann, Universität Konstanz
    • Glasman, Joël: Humanitarianism and the Quantification of Human Needs. Minimal Humanity, New York 2020
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    Rev. by Man Zhang, Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt and Research Centre Global Dynamics, Leipzig Universität
    • Lampton, David M.; Ho, Selina; Kuik, Cheng-Chwee: Rivers of Iron. Railroads and Chinese Power in Southeast Asia, Oakland, California 2020
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    Rev. by Susanna Jorek, Leipzig University
    • Florvil, Tiffany Nicole: Mobilizing Black Germany. Afro-German Women and the Making of a Transnational Movement, Urbana 2020
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    Rev. by Přemysl Rosůlek, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
    • Morey, Peter; Yaqin, Amina; Forte, Alaya: P. Morey u. a. Hrsg.: Contesting Islamophobia. Anti-Muslim Prejudice in Media, Culture and Politics, New York 2019
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