- Campbell, Gwyn; Elizabeth Elbourne (Hrsg.): Sex, Power, and Slavery. , Athens 2014
- Major, Andrea: Slavery, Abolitionism and Empire in India, 1772-1843. , Liverpool 2012
- Harms, Robert; Freamon, Bernard K.; Blight, David W. (Hrsg.): Indian Ocean Slavery in the Age of Abolition. , New Haven 2013
- Miller, Joseph: The Problem of Slavery as History. A Global Approach, New Haven 2012
- Campbell, Gwyn; Stanziani, Alessandro (Hrsg.): Bonded Labour and Debt in the Indian Ocean World. , London 2013
- Mulligan, William; Bric, Maurice (Hrsg.): A Global History of Anti-Slavery Politics in the Nineteenth Century. , Houndsmill 2013
- Retzlaff, Carolin: »Wont the law give me my freedom?«. Sklaverei vor Gericht (1750-1800), Paderborn 2014
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