Africana Annual: A Journal of African and African Diaspora Studies

Africana Annual: A Journal of African and African Diaspora Studies

Department of African & African American Studies, University of Kansas
United States
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
31.08.2022 - 31.08.2022
Connections Redaktion, Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics, Universität Leipzig

The Department of African & African American Studies at the University of Kansas is proud to announce the establishment of Africana Annual and to invite the submission of full-length original articles and review essays. Africana Annual is a broadly conceived annual interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that provides an avenue for critical dialogues and analysis of the African, African American, and African Diasporic experiences.

Africana Annual: A Journal of African and African Diaspora Studies

An interdisciplinary journal encompassing history, politics, sociology, performance arts, economics, literature, cultural studies, anthropology, Africana studies, gender studies, ethnic studies, religious studies, the fine arts, digital humanities, and other allied disciplines, Africana Annual embraces a variety of humanistic and social scientific methodologies for understanding the social, political, and cultural meanings and functions of the varied experiences of Africana.

Submissions to Africana Annual must reflect the intellectual and political connections between Africa and the African Diaspora and to serve as a critical space for scholarly explorations of their shared historical and contemporary realities. We invite authors to submit work that examines key issues deepen inter-disciplinary and global conversations on topics about African America, Africa (north and south of the Sahara), and the Diaspora.

Submissions to Africana Annual must be original, unpublished work not submitted for publication elsewhere while under review by Africana Annual editors. The journal encourages authors to submit unsolicited articles and comprehensive review essays. All academic articles should be between 20 and 30 pages. Comprehensive review essays should be about 10 to 15 pages in length.

Please include an abstract of 150–200 words that clearly states the main arguments of your article. The abstract should contain 3-5 keywords, along with a biographical statement of 50–75 words with full contact information and e-mail address. to accompany your submission.

Authors should e-mail their manuscripts as Microsoft Word files to: All manuscripts must follow the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style and should use endnotes. All submissions must be in 12 point Times New Roman, double spaced, with 1″margins. Again, please note that we only accept manuscripts in Word format. All manuscripts accepted are subject to editorial modification.

All research articles in Africana Annual undergo rigorous peer review. After an initial editor screening, submissions will be based on anonymous double-blind refereeing by two referees.

The deadline for submission for the inaugural issue is August 31, 2022.

Contact (announcement)