Connections Redaktion, Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics, Universität Leipzig
14th May 2024
13:00-13:30 Christoph K. Neumann (OI Istanbul): Welcome and Introduction
13:30-15:00 Keynote (Moderation: Christoph K. Neumann)
Monica Juneja (Heidelberg University): The Work of Art in the Crossfire between the ‘Aesthetic’ and the ‘Religious’: Potentialities and Limits of Concepts-as-Metaphors
Entanglement and Modernism/Modernities (Moderation: Peter Geimer)
Oluwafunminiyi W. Raheem (Osun State University Osogbo): Rejecting Colonial Entanglement: Ulli Beier and the Incorporation of ‘Art Brut’ in Nigerian Modernism, 1951-1964
Fatimaezzehra Abid (Mohammed V. University Rabat): Exploring Entanglements of Modernity in Moroccan Postcolonial Literature through Women’s Lives in Leila Abouzeid’s The Last Chapter
(Post)colonial Entanglements (Moderation: Simone Lässig)
Manuel Borutta (Konstanz University): (Post)colonial Entanglements: Algeria, France and the Mediterranean
Mikuláš Pešta (AVČR/Czech Academy of Science): Democratic International Organizations, Anti-Colonial Networks and Transformations at the End of the Cold War
15th May 2024
10:00-11:30, 11:45-13:15
Section A: (Harmful) Entanglements & the MENA-Region (1): Perspectives on Academic Research, Solidarity and the Art World (Moderation: Sebastian Schwecke)
Julius Dihstelhoff and Rachid Ouaissa (MECAM – Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb): (Harmful) Entanglements? Images of the Maghreb in German Academic Research
Jens Hanssen (OI Beirut): Before Entanglement: Reflections on the Quiddity of “Solidarity”
Nadia von Maltzahn (OI Beirut): Validation and Labelling in an Entangled Art World: The Case of Lebanon
Natalie Rothman (University of Toronto): Trans-Imperial Entanglements: The Future of the Past
Section B: Entangled Knowledge Regimes (Moderation: Franz Waldenberger)
Projit Bihari Mukharji (Ashoka University): Disentanglement or Re-entanglement? Indian Cosmism, c.1947-1971Fathun Karib (National University Singapore, in cooperation with Dana Listiana): Can the Geos Speak? Assembling State Formation and Southeast Asia as Regional Entanglement
Section B: Theorizing Entanglements (Moderation: Magdalena Saryusz-Wolska)
James D. Sidaway (National University Singapore, in cooperation with Chih Yuan Woon): Deglobalization and China’s Visions for Reconfiguring Development Space
Benjamin P. Davis (Saint Louis University): The Paradoxes of Relation: Harmful Entanglements in Édouard Glissant
Section A: (Harmful) Entanglements & the MENA-Region (2): Perspectives on Diplomacy and the Art World (Moderation: Klaus Oschema)
Christiane Czygan (OI Istanbul): Diplomatic Disentanglement: The Ottoman-Safavid Negotiations on Prince Bayezid’s Fate
Ipek Z. Ruacan (Yeditepe University): ‘Building’ New States in a Eurocentric International System: Resistance, Acquiescence and Architectural Diplomacy in the Middle East in the 1960s
Section B: Cross-border entanglements (Moderation: Sandra Dahlke)
Alexandre Bibert (DHI Paris): Reflections on the Perspective of Franco-German Rapprochement before the Second World War
Klaudia Kosicińska (Polish Academy of Science): Entangled Mobilities in South-East Georgia: Porosity of the Border and its Materialisation
Section A: Cultural Reactions against Harmful Entanglements (Moderation: Martin Baumeister)
Christoph Streb (DHI Paris): Imaginaries of Dark Networks and the Crisis of the Social around 1900
Pascale Siegrist (DHI London): Linguistic Disentanglement: Two Invented Languages as a Challenge to the Rise of Global English
Section B: Entangled Labour (Moderation: Christina von Hodenberg)
A. Ipek Türeli (McGill University): Industrial Workshops and Self-Help in the American Missionary-Educational Enterprise (online)
Indivar Kamtekar (JNU Delhi): The Indian Civil Service under British Colonialism: An Entangled History
19:00-20:00 Keynote (Moderation: Christoph K. Neumann)
Eugene Rogan (Oxford University): Eastern Question Entanglements: Containing European interventions after the 1860 Events in Syria and Lebanon