NATION AND EMPIRE Wednesday 20 April
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE
8:30 – 10:00 Registration: Shaw Library (6th floor, Old Building)
9:45 – 10:00 Welcome Address
10:00 – 10:30 Dominic Lieven – ‘Empire and Nation’
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee
11:00 – 11:30 Peter Heather – ‘Ethnicity and the Collapse of the Western Roman Empire’
11:30 – 12:00 Selim Deringil – ‘Religious Conversion, Citizenship and Identity in the Late
Ottoman Empire’
12:00 – 12:30 Discussion
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 14:30 Geoffrey Hosking – ‘Rulers or Victims?: The Russian People in the Soviet
14:30 – 15:00 Michael Mann – ‘The New and Incoherent American Empire: Further
15:00 – 15:30 Discussion
15:30 – 16:00 Tea
16:00 – 16:30 Alexander Motyl – ‘Is Everything an Empire? Is Empire Everything?’
16:30 – 17:15 Round Table discussion (moderated by: Krishnan Kumar)
17:15 – 17:30 Closing remarks
PANEL SESSIONS Thursday 21 April
9:00 – 9:30 Old Theatre – Introductory Remarks
All panel sessions will take place in Connaught House, LSE.
9:30 – 11:00 H101 – Turkey: From Empire to Republic
Ayla Gol Secular nations and Muslim ‘umma’: Emergence of Turkish and Arab
nationalisms at the end of the Ottoman Empire
Dragos Mateescu From Empire to Republic – The Turkish Secular Political Establishment
Gizem Zencirci The Construction of ‘National Public’ via Republic Holidays in the Early Turkish
Republican Period
H102 – Nations and Nationalism in the Soviet Empire
Tomas Balkelis Provincials and the Empire: the Making of the Lithuanian National Elite, 1883-1905
Mark Jubulis Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Communism? The Question of ‘Empire’ and
the Emergence of Nationalism in the Soviet Union
Raffass Tania The Soviet Empire: Some Historical and Critical Comments on Current Theories
H105 – The Habsburg Empire and After
Larissa Douglass All the Kaiser’s Compromises: Formulas for Imperial Salvation and National
Representation in Late Habsburg Austria
Milosh Kovitch Protector, Neighbour, and Enemy: Habsburg Empire and the Serbs (1780-1914)
Werner Suppanz The Would-Be Kakanians. The Habsburg Monarchy and the Identity Politics of
the Austrofascist Régime, 1933-1938
H201 – American Expansion and Conquest
Juan Manuel Carrión Puerto Rico and the American Empire
Robert Odawi Porter American Indians, Legal Imperialism, and the Struggle for Self-determination
Don Doyle Manifest Destiny, Race, and the Limits of Expansion
H202 – Empire and the Development of Canadian Identity
Aya Fujiwara Myths and Images of the Empire, Homelands, and the New Nation: Canadian
National Identity and Ethnicity in the 1920s and 1930s
Wolfgang Kretschmer Integrating Empire: the British Empire and Canada
George Richardson ‘Steeped in the Liquid of Imperialism:’ Education, National Identity and the
Persistence of Empire in Canadian Schools 1945-1970
H216 – Comparing Memories of Empire
Atsuko Ichijo Empires and the (trans)formation of national self-definition: Britian and Japan
Charles Nuckolls Re-Imaging the Nation in Japanese Popular Culture
Vanita Sharma Contested Memories and National Identity: Indian and Pakistani Memories of
the Partition of British India
11:30 – 13:00 H101 – Empire and Ethnicity in Antiquity
Kevin Osterloh Empire and the Reinvention of Collective Identity: The Rise of Roman
Hegemony in a Hellenistic World
Julia Wilker Nation or Empire?: The Roman integration of near eastern dynasts, the
formation of a new imperial elite and its implications for Roman identity
Arum Park Thucydides' Athenian War
H102 – Exhibiting Empire
Caroline Kisiel National Portrait Galleries of England and United States: Faces of Nation
and Empire, Past and Present
Claire Sutherland Repression and Resistance: French Colonialism as seen through
Vietnamese Museums
Susan-Mary Grant The Empire of the Mind: Representations of American Empire from the Colonial
Era to the Present Day
H105 – Nation and Empire: Contributions From International Relations
Bryan Mabee The Imperial Moment?: Discourses of Empire in US Foreign Policy
David Ryan The Empire ‘for’ Liberty: Foreign Policy Constructions of US Identity, The Other
and Negative Liberty
Nick Bisley American Power in the Asia-Pacific: Hegemon, Empire or simply ‘Least Distrusted’
H201 – The British Empire in the Middle East
James Renton Justifying Empire: Britain, Nationalism and the Modern Middle East during
the Great War
Allon Gal The Complex Disintegration of the British Empire and the Nationalist Cases
of India and Israel (1947-1948)
Rebecca Kook The Impact of the British Mandate on the evolution of Israel/Jewish nationalism
H202 – Nationalism in Modern Russia
Elise Giuliano The Emergence of Nationhood : A Discourse Analysis of Ethnic Minority
Nationalism in Russia, 1990-1993
Stefanie Ortmann Post-Soviet Russian ‘nation-building’ as state-building – the creation of a
Russian post-imperial ‘state identity’
Willfried Spohn Empire, Nation-State, and Collective Identity. Modernisation Pattern and
Modernity in Germany and Russia in Comparison
H216 – Resisting Empire
Wind Edward Kim Resisting Empire: 2,000 Years of Korean Strategies
Lisa Keary The Tibetan Nation and Its Struggle for Legitimacy
Joanna Crow Contested Discourses on the National Narrative: ‘Chilean-ness’, ‘Mapuche-ness’
and the Araucanian warriors’ struggle against Spanish colonial rule
14:15 – 15:45 H101 – America: Nation or Empire
Sibylle Scheipers Compassionate Imperialism – US Human Rights Policy and Imperial Sovereignty
Daniele Conversi American nationalism versus American empire
Bernard Cook American Images and Perceptions of Power and Empire: The Delusion
of Benevolence
H102 – Demography under Imperial and National Rule
Philip Kreager The Enigma of Population Membership: A Short History
Mitchell Young Land and People: the Demography and Discourse of Land Reform in
Christian Leuprecht Political Demography of Ethnic Violence: Comparative Evidence on Pathdependency
from Mauritius and Fiji
H201 – After the Ottomans: Nationalism and the Kurds in Turkey
Janet Klein Kurdish Nationalists and Non-Nationalist Kurdists: Rethinking the Ottoman Case
Umut Azak ‘Dark Age’ versus ‘Golden Age’: Contesting Myths of the Ottoman Empire in
the Nationalist Discourses in Turkey (1946-1960)
Cenk Saracoglu After The Empire: The Historically Specific Formation Of Kurdish Nationalism
In Turkey
H202 – Reaction to the British Empire
Francois-Pierre Gingras Religion and French-Canadian Nationalism in the British Empire
James Kennedy Empire through the Looking Glass: Responding to Empire in Scotland and Québec
Ben Wellings Nation and Empire in Australian Nationalism
H216 – National-Cultural Autonomy as the Legacy of the Habsburg Empire
Geneviève Nootens National Cultural Autonomy and State Sovereignty
Roni Gechtman Multinational State, Not Nation State: The Jewish Labour Bund and the
Question of Nationalities in Interwar Poland
Geoffrey Braham Levey National-Cultural Autonomy and the Jews
Ephraim Nimni National Cultural Autonomy as a form of Multicultural Nationalism
16:15 – 17:45 H101 – Monuments and Memory
Carol Brash Ghosts Pounding on the Great Wall: Contemporary Memories of the Great
Wall of China
Cheng-hua Wang From Imperial Treasures to National Legacy: The Institute for Exhibiting
Antiquities, 1914-1919
Stephen Heathorn ‘The long retreat of stone Generals’: Imperial Memory, Decolonisation and the
Repatriation of Imperial Monuments from Sudan, 1956-60.
H102 – Nation in the British Empire
Gareth Knapman Nation: the Undermining Contradiction within the British Empire
Virginie Barrier The British imperial policy of decolonisation and the affirmation of post-colonial
nations through the Rhodesian question
David Lambert Nation on a stony ground? ‘Loyal’ Gibraltar and the shadows of the British Empire
H105 – Africa After Empire
Elliott Green Adrian Hastings and African Ethnonationalism: A Case Study
Yacoob Abba Omar One Empire, Two Nations: The Case of Oman and Zanzibar
Matthias Waechter The French Empire in collective memory
H201 – Empire and the Caucasus
Aurélie Campana The rise of separatist movements in North Caucasus after the break-up of the
Soviet Union
Vladimir Rouvinski The Ethnic Enclosure: Language, Ethnic Boundaries and the Rise of Smaller
Nations in the South Caucasus
Itir Bagdadi Ok and The Clash of Empires: How Today’s National Trajectories of the Caucasus is
Ozan Arslan a Legacy of the Historic Conflict Between Ottomans and Russians: the Case
of Azerbaijan
H202 – The Ottoman Empire and After
Ipek Yosmaoglu-Turner Imagined Orthodoxies: Christian Peasants and National Identity in
Ottoman Macedonia
Esra Bulut Imperial Legacies and Turkish Reactions to Conflict in the Balkans
Vangelis Kechriotis Hellenism and Empire: the public debate on civic identity vs. ‘historical rights’
in Izmir during the second constitutional period (1908-1912)
H216 – China between Empire and Nation
Jing Tsu Diasporic Frontiers, Empire, and Nation in China
Tong Lam Converting Imperial Subjects to National Citizens: The Census Reform of
Late-Qing China
Mike Shi-chi Lan Between Empire and Nation: The Taiwanese Transition from Japanese
Subjects to Chinese Citizens, 1945-1947
18:00 Closing address
19:00 Conference dinner