Wednesday, 2 February
Opening of the Conference by Mr. Arnold Rüütel, President of the Republic of Estonia
Welcome by Prof. Jaak Aviksoo, Rector of the University of Tartu
Welcome by Prof. Aadu Must, Head of Tartu Town Council
12.45 – 15.00 Session A
Prof. Thomas Lundén (Södertorn, Sweden)
Language, ethnicity and boundary changes in 20th century Europe
Prof. Eero Medijainen (Tartu)
Creating new borders: The importance of the Tartu peace treaty
Dr. Aristotle A. Kallis (Lancaster, UK)
National rebirth and territorial utopia (1914-1945): the experience of Italy, Germany and Greece
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 – 18.15 Session B
Dr. Olaf Mertelsmann (Tartu)
Disappearance of borders and incorporation into the USSR
Dr. Martin Klatt (Aabenraa, Denmark)
Re-enacting a Region - why is it so difficult to revise border changes?
Prof. Walter C. Clemens (Boston)
Why the Baltic is not the Balkans
Thursday, 3 February
9.00 – 11.15 Session C
Dr. Kurt Scharr (Innsbruck)
Development of borderlines and ‘national awakening’ at the fringes of Europe. Considering the Bukowina from 1848 to 1947 as example
Dr. Martin Moll, (Graz)
The German-Slovene border in southern Austria: From nationalist quarrels to the “bleeding wound” and a friendly co-existence
Dr. Simona Zavratnik (Primorska, Slovenia)
Shifting Schengen border southward: Sociological analysis of the newly established Slovenian-Croatian border
11.15 Coffee break
11.45 – 13.15 Session D
Dr. Tomasz Kamusella (Opole, Poland)
Unease of the Past: International Treaties and Imagining of Poland’s Post-1945 Western Border
Dr. Jerzy Kochanowski (Warsaw)
The Eastern Provinces of Poland during the “short” 20th Century: the changing of borders and memories
13.15 Lunch break
14.30 – 16.45 Session E
Prof. Aadu Must (Tartu)
Borders and the Split of Nations: The Tartu Peace Treaty and the Destiny of Russia’s Estonians
Dr. Otto Pohl (Alexandria, USA)
Forced resettlement of nationalities in the USSR during World War II
Prof. Robert Kaiser (Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
Elena Nikiforova (St.Petersburg, Russia)
Cultural politics of memory: Re-imagining the Past, Reclaiming the Future in the Estonian – Russian Borderlands
16.45 Coffee break
17.15 – 19.45 Session F
Prof. Alice Freifeld (Florida)
Displaced Persons and Hungary’s Porous Borders, 1945-1948
Dr. Paul Holtom (Glamorgan, UK)
‘Not only for the Benefit of Nostalgia Tourists’: Commemorating Königsberg in Kaliningrad
Dr. Lorenzo Cañás Bottos (Dublin)
Life on-of the Irish Border
Final Discussion