Translocality and Refugees - 6th Issue of Localities

Translocality and Refugees - 6th Issue of Localities

Yoo-Hyeok Lee, Korean Studies Institute, Pusan National University
Korea, Rep. of
From - Until
31.07.2016 -
Yoo-Hyeok Lee

Localities, an international peer-reviewed journal of Center for Locality and Humanities at Korean Studies Institute (Pusan National University, Korea), seeks to publish articles undertaking interdisciplinary studies, giving particular attention to diverse ways of reactions explored and pursued on a local level at this age of globalization and transnationalism, and also to their possibilities of generating locality not only as a location of resistance against globality but also as a location of alternatives, including alternative theories, alternative communities, and alternative spaces, etc. The special attention will be given to research articles dealing with the topic of ‘translocality and refugees,’ although we still welcome research articles dealing with theoretical and practical issues on locality or translocality in general. Detailed information about the special topic is provided below.

1. Research Articles - Special Topic: ‘Translocality and Refugees’
Recent refugee crisis in Europe prompts us to reconsider various issues on the movement of refugees across borders and relevant translocal issues. We are interested in research papers dealing with diverse and complicated local and translocal issues as a result of the massive displacement of refugees toward Europe in recent years. We also welcome research papers dealing with similar issues on refugees from a historical perspective relating the current refugee crisis to a similar refugee crisis in the past such as the massive migration of Europeans to North America after World War Two and the displacement of Vietnamese people after the fall of Saigon, etc. We acknowledge that similar cases can be found on a global level. The scope of this special topic, however, is not merely confined to Europe and the Mediterranean area but seeks to extend to be global by covering similar issues in North America, Asia, and other regions. In this context, we are interested in research papers tackling refugee related issues not only within a local place but also across multiple local places or in the context of the dynamics between the global and the local or between the national and the local. We welcome research papers dealing with inter- or multi-disciplinary studies on refugee issues from diverse perspectives such as social, political, cultural (including literary and filmic representations), and economic ones. We also welcome research papers dealing not only with theoretical and critical studies but also with empirical studies on refugee and local and translocal issues.

General Topics
- Theories and methodologies of humanities-oriented locality.
- Empirical studies on local or trans-local phenomena.
- Practices or movements for resolving various local and/or trans-local problems.

2. Local Stories
Local stories need to address local issues, events, ideas, activist movements that cover topics relevant to either the special or the general topic of Localities. In order to make the writings in this section of the journal distinct from the ones in the section of formal research articles, we seek to include essay-style stories based on authors’ individual experiences.

3. Book Reviews
Books on locality or trans-locality published within several years can be reviewed. We will arrange suitable reviewers with a selected list of books. We also welcome an email of intention with a title of a book for review from anyone interested in contributing a book review.

Information for Authors
Academic Papers should not exceed 10,000 words including an abstract of 300 words and 5-6 key words. They must be prepared according to the rules for the manuscripts (i.e., the Chicago Manual of Style). Please refer to the Author Guidelines in the journal’s website at for the details. An accepted paper will be guaranteed 1,000,000 KRW as an honorarium.

Local Stories must not exceed 2,000 words and can include 5 or less photos and figures. An accepted local story will be guaranteed 200,000 KRW as an honorarium. There are no specific rules for authors to follow in writing a local story.

Book Reviews must not exceed 1,500 words. There are no specific rules for authors to follow in writing a book review. An accepted book review will be guaranteed 200,000 KRW as an honorarium.

Copyrights of all contributions will be reserved to the publishing institute of the journal. All honoraria will be paid in USD and the exact payment may be subject to the current exchange rates.

For further information and manuscript submission,
email us at

Deadline for Submission: July 31, 2016


Contact (announcement)

Yoo-Hyeok Lee,
Korean Studies Institute,
Pusan National University
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