1968 and the Third World

1968 and the Third World

Berghahn Books
Oxford/New York
United States
Vom - Bis
01.09.2008 -
Weinel, Rebekka

Forty years after the massive protest movements that consumed most of the world, few scholars would disagree that the 1960s represented a worldwide outpouring of student dissent against multiple centers of power. However, the promise of a truly globalized historiography engaging all centers of protest has yet to come to the fore.

While important work has been done regarding the movements of 1968 in the United States and Europe, the creation of an understanding of the decade that includes the Third World still remains incomplete. We are therefore seeking contributions for an edited volume entitled “1968 and the Third World” that will address this shortcoming and take into account the diverse experiences of many countries in Asia, Africa and South America.

Rejecting the notion that the Third World existed solely in the periphery, this volume wants to pave the way for a new and more inclusive global definition of 1968. We believe that the events in the Third World have yet to receive the attention that they deserve from scholars of all fields and offer a particularly rich setting into which our understanding of 1968 can expand.

Three key questions with regard to the sixties’ experience in the Third World will structure our volume:

Section One: Local Context and Articulation: Case Studies of 1968 in the Third World
Articles describing specific articulations of 1968 in the Third World and the ways that youth movements and revolt occurred within the local context of these national arenas.

Section Two: Crossing Borders within the Third World
Articles analyzing the transnational connections between movements in the Third World, addressing the question of a specific “Third World” identity with regard to youth and student revolt.

Section Three: Breaking Down Boundaries between the West and the Third World
Articles examining the connections, both ideological and physical, between protest movements in Europe and the U.S. and movements in the Third World.

We seek contributions relating to each section and are particularly interested in approaches that engage issues such as place/space, gender, sexuality, counterculture, religion, post-colonialism/neo-colonialism, violence, memory, and identity.

The volume will be published in the series "Protest, Culture and Society" by Berghahn Books, Oxford/New York (http://www.berghahnbooks.com/series.php?pg=Protest_Cult)

Please email a chapter proposal of up to 1,000 words and a C.V. to Zachary A. Scarlett (scarlett.z@neu.edu) or Samantha Christensen (Christiansen.s@neu.edu) by September 1, 2008.

If selected, full chapters will be due in January 2009.



Samantha Christensen
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave
247 Meserve Hall
Boston, MA 02115

Zachary A. Scarlett
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave
247 Meserve Hall
Boston, MA 02115

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