The New Silk Road and Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia: Investments, New Immigrants, Transnational Connections and Cultural Identities

The New Silk Road and Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia: Investments, New Immigrants, Transnational Connections and Cultural Identities

The Center for Chinese Studies (CCS), Mahidol University
Mahidol University. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Nakhon Pathom
Vom - Bis
20.10.2018 - 21.10.2018
Tavivat Puntarigvivat

It has been five years since China’s President Xi Jinping launched his signature project, the “One Belt One Road” Initiative. China’s strategy is to promote the regional connections and cooperation with the countries along the ancient Silk Road of both overland and maritime routes, through economic collaboration, infrastructure investments, culture-educational exchanges and people-to-people communication. The Silk Road under Xi’s “Belt & Road” initiative, known as the New Silk Road, has been emerging as an international stage for China to portray itself as an important, and responsible, major player in world affairs.. The impact of China’s investments and the transnational flow of massive human resources across the whole region under this Initiative has became clear and is starting to attract high interest worldwide.

Realizing all this, yet focusing on this Initiative’s potential impact towards the Overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia, the Center for Chinese Studies (CCS), at Mahidol University in Thailand, will hold an international conference on “The New Silk Road and Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia: Investments, New Immigrants, Transnational Connections and Cultural Identities,” at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, on 20-21 October 2018.The conference plans to investigate:

Traditional Maritime Silk Road: Activities, organization,political status, religious practices and leadership of Chinese sojourners in Southeast Asia;
China’s Investments in Southeast Asia: Opportunities, challenges, participation of local -born Chinese economy;
New Chinese Immigrants in Southeast Asia: Behavioral differences, economic cooperation and conflicts of interest with local-born Chinese;
Overseas Chinese Communities in Southeast Asia: Assimilation, nationalism and self-identity in the New Era;
Chinese Cultural Spread in Southeast Asia: Contents, methods and influence.

It is hoped that this conference will bring a new insight and understanding on the international relations between China and Southeast Asia, especially on overseas Chinese in the region.
he Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) at Mahidol University would like to invite you to present an academic paper in the International Conference on “The New Silk Road and Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia: Investments, New Immigrants, Transnational Connections and Dynamics of Cultural Identities,” at the date, time, and location stated below. Please reserve your participation as early as possible (limited number of participants) by sending the attached registration form to CCS office. Please send your topic and abstract, and your complete paper to Ms. ZHANG Ruohuang at


To create an academic atmosphere for historians, economists, sociologists and related scholars to discuss and exchange their ideas on the impacts of the “One Belt One Road” Initiative of China on the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, and the relations of China and Southeast Asian countries.
To network various Chinese communities in Thai society and their roots in China.

Target Group

We anticipate participants and attendees to include historians, economists, sociologists and related scholars from Thailand, China, Southeast Asia and the international community. Staff members of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Mahidol University, other academic institutions and members of the local Chinese communities in Thailand are also expected to be present.

As early as possible submission of your participation form
(attached at the last page)
31 June 2018 submission of topic, abstract (250 words), keywords (5 words) and your brief biography (100 words in one paragraph)
10 August 2018 submission of complete paper.


Please register in advance for your participation in the conference by filling the attached form and send it to our CCS office as early as 30 May. There is no registration fee. Those presenting academic papers will be provided with room and board during the conference. Foreign participants will be met and picked up at the airport upon request.




ZHANG Ruohuang
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Sprach(en) der Veranstaltung
Chinese, Englisch, Thai
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