Entangled Transitions
Entangled Transitions: Eastern and Southern European Convergence or Alternative Europes? 1960s–2000s KIM CHRISTIAENS, JAMES MARK, JOSÉ. M. FARALDO online: 17 October 2017, pp. 577–599
‘The Spanish Analogy’: Imagining the Future in State Socialist Hungary, 1948–1989 JAMES MARK online: 17 October 2017, pp. 600–620
‘Communists are no Beasts’: European Solidarity Campaigns on Behalf of Democracy and Human Rights in Greece and East–West Détente in the 1960s and Early 1970s KIM CHRISTIAENS online: 17 October 2017, pp. 621–646
Entangled Eurocommunism: Santiago Carrillo, the Spanish Communist Party and the Eastern Bloc during the Spanish Transition to Democracy, 1968–1982 JOSÉ M. FARALDO online: 17 October 2017, pp. 647–668
From Enemies to Allies? Portugal's Carnation Revolution and Czechoslovakia, 1968–1989 PAVEL SZOBI online: 17 October 2017, pp. 669–690
Tourism and Europe's Shifting Periphery: Post-Franco Spain and Post-Socialist Bulgaria MAX HOLLERAN online: 17 October 2017, pp. 691–715