Dear Colleagues, The editors of international bilingual Russian-English journal “Ab Imperio” are pleased to announce the publication of the third thematic issue in 2006. Materials of this issue written from different disciplinary perspectives (theory, history, sociology, political science, anthropology) address the theme of “The Chorus of Nations: Constructing and Defining Group Unity.” (see below the Table of Contents). The language of each publication (Russian or English) is indicated by a letter in brackets.
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Editors Searching for a Mode of Description of the Community of Solidarity of Civic Action and Collective Loyalty (R&E)
Serhy Yekelchyk The Body and National Myth: Motifs from the Ukrainian National Revival in the Nineteenth Century (R)
Serhy Yekelchyk On Transcontinental Travel and Postcolonial Imagination: A Look Back from 2006 on “The Body and National Myth” (E)
Peter van der Veer The Visceral and the Secular (E)
Irina Paert “Two or Twenty Million?” The Languages of Official Statistics and Religious Dissent in Imperial Russia (E)
Paul Werth The Head of Church, A Subject of the Emperor: The Armenian Catholicos at the Junction of the Internal and Foreign Politics of Empire, 1828-1914 (R)
Sergei Zhuk “A Separate Nation” of “Those Who Imitate Germans”: Ukrainian Evangelical Peasants and Problems of Cultural Identification in the Ukrainian Provinces of Late Imperial Russia (E)
Constantine Bolenko “Russian Grandee, European Grand Seigneur, and Tatar Prince” N. B. Iusupov: On the Question of Self-Orientalization of Russian Nobility in the Last Third of the Eighteenth – First Third of the Nineteenth Century (R)
Chia Yin Hsu A Tale of Two Railroads: “Yellow Labor,” Agrarian Colonization, and the Making of Russianness at the Far Eastern Frontier, 1890s–1910s (E)
Diliara Usmanova “Vaisov God’s Regiment of Muslim Old Believers”: Languages of Confessional, Estate, Political, and National Resistance in Russian Empire (R)
Documents (E)
Mikhail Sokolov The New Right Intellectuals in Russia: Strategies of Legitimization (R)
Ekaterina Panova Students “Our” and “Alien”: The Views of St. Petersburg Teachers on Ethnic Diversity and the Limits of Russianness (R)
Oksana Morgunova Europeans, not Westerners: How the Dilemma “Russia vs. the West” is Represented in Russian Language Open Access Migrants’ Forums (United Kingdom) (E)
Raisa Akif’eva, Anna Tolkacheva National and Regional Identity in the Discourse of St. Petersburg Official Press (R)
Olga Khristoforova “Children of Nature”, or the Ethnic Projects of Regional Television Stations (R)
Andre Liebich Alexei Miller, Alfred J. Rieber (Eds.), Imperial Rule (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2004). 212 pp. Index. ISBN: 963-9241-98-9. (E)
Paul du Quenoy John P. LeDonne, The Grand Strategy of the Russian Empire, 1650–1831 (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004). 261 pp., ill. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-19-516100-9. (E)
Andrew Gentes Alexander Cooley, Logics of Hierarchy: The Organization of Empires, States, and Military Occupations (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005). 208 pp. Notes, Figures, Tables, Index. Index. ISBN: 0-8014-4386-5. (R)
Maria Krisan’ Andrzej Nowak (Red.), Rosja i Europa Wschodnia: “imperiologia” stosowana / Russia and Eastern Europe: Applied “Imperiology” (Kraków: Wydawnictwo Arcana, Instytut Historii PAN w Warszawie, 2006). 528 s. ISBN: 83-89243-58-X. (R)
Marina Loskutova Cynthia Simmons, Nina Perlina (Eds.), Writing the Siege of Leningrad: Women’s Diaries, Memoirs, and Documentary Prose (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2002). 288 pp., 14 ill. Index. ISBN: 0-8229-4183-X (hardback edition). (R)
Marianna Mouravieva NESTOR. Ezhekvartalnyj zhurnal istorii i kultury Rossii i Vostochnoj Evropy. Nr. 8: O blokade Leningrada v Rossii i za rubezhom. Istochniki, isssledovaniia, istoriografiia / Glavnyj redactor I. V. Lukoianov, redactor nomera A. R. Dzeniskevich. Sankt-Peterburg: Nestor-Istoriia 2005. 218 S. ISSN: 1726-7870. (R)
Igor Martyniuk Michael Kellogg, The Russian Roots of Nazism: White Émigrés and the Making of National Socialism, 1917–1945 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005). xiii+327 pp. (=New Studies in European History). Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-521-84512-2 (R)
Svetlana Smirnova Daniele Conversi (Ed.), Ethnonationalism in the Contemporary World: Walker Connor and the Study of Nationalism (London: Routledge, 2004). 302 pp. ISBN: 0-415-26373-7 (paperback edition). (R)
Theodor Weeks Ricarda Vulpius, Nationalisierung der Religion. Russifizierungspolitik und ukrainische Nationsbildung, 1860–1920 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005). 475 pp. (=Forschungen zur osteuropäischen Geschichte, Bd. 64). Maps, Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 3-447-05275-9. (E)
Aleksei Miller Frank Grelka, Die Ukrainische Nationalbewegung unter deutscher Besatzungsherrschaft 1918 und 1941/42 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005). 506 S., 15 Abb. (=Studien der Forschungsstelle Ostmitteleuropa an der Universität Dortmund, Band 38). ISBN: 3-447-05259-7; Wendy Lower, Nazi Empire-Building and the Holocaust in Ukraine (Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina Press, 2005). 328 pp., 23 ill., 5 maps. Appendices, Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-8078-2960-9. (R)
Nadieszda Kizenko Nikolaj Mitrokhin. Russkaia Pravoslavnaia Cerkov: Sovremennoe sostoianie i aktualnye problemy. Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2004 (= Biblioteka zhurnala “Neprikosnovennyj zapas”). 647 S. Bibliografiia, Imennoj ukazatel. ISBN: 5-86793-324-5. (E)
Serhy Yekelchyk Evgeny Dobrenko and Eric Naiman (Eds.), The Landscape of Stalinism: The Art of Ideology of Soviet Space (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 2003). xviii+315 pp., ill. Notes, Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-295-98333-7 (hardback edition). (E)
Thomas Sanders A. V. Makushin, P. A. Tribunskij. Pavel Nikolaevich Miliukov: Trudy I dni (1859 – 1904) / Vstupitelnaia statiia S. M. Lianders, D. Wulf; Predislovie T. Emmons. Riazan, 2001. (= Seriia “Novejshaia rossijskaia istoriia: issledovaniia i dokumenty”. Тom 1). 439 S. ISBN: 5-94473-001-3. (E)
Alexander Filiushkin Giovanna Siedina (Ed.), Mazepa e il suo tempo: Storia, cultura, società / Mazepa and His Time: History, Culture, Society (Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso). 2004. 594 pp. (=Slavica. Vol. 6). ISBN: 88-7694-806-6. (R)
Anatol Shmelev Jamie Bisher, White Terror: Cossack Warlords of the Trans-Siberian (London: Routledge, 2005). 452 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 0-7146-5690-9. (E)
Ludmila Novikova Grazhdanskaia vojna na vostoke Rossii: Problemy istorii: Bakhrushinskie chteniia 2001 g. Mezhvuzovskij sbornik nauchnykh trudov / Redaktor V. I. Shishkin. Novosibirsk: Novosibirskij gosudarstvennyj universitet, 2001. 178 S. ISBN: 5-94356-037-8. (R)
Maksim Kirchanov Leonidas Donskis, Loyalty, Dissent and Betrayal: Modern Lithuania and East-Central European Imagination (Amsterdam: “Rodopi,” 2005). 164 pp. Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 90-420-1727-9. (R)
List of Contributors (R&E)