Dear friends and colleagues,
"Ab Imperio" editors are pleased to announce the release of the third issue of the journal in 2009. "Ab Imperio" is a bilingual (English and Russian) international scholarly journal dedicated to the study of empire and nationalism in the post soviet space. The third issue of the journal is devoted to the exploration of "Maison des sciences de l’Homme: Human Sciences in the Empire". The language of each publication (Russian and/or English) is indicated by a letter in brackets.
Please find below the table of contents and visit the website for more information:
For submissions, subscription or other inquiries please contact the editors at:
From the Editors (E&R)
Alice L. Conklin The Making of a Colonial Science: Ethnologie and Empire in Interwar France (R)
Ingrid Schierle Patriotism and Emotions: Love of the Fatherland in Сatherinian Russia (E)
Anna Kuxhausen The Modern Miracles of Mother’s Milk: The New Science of Maternity in Enlightenment Russia (E)
Marina Loskutova District Scholars: Self-Organization of the Academic Community in Provincial Russia in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and First Decades of the Twentieth Centuries (R)
Irina Shevelenko Empire and Nation in the Imagination of Russian Modernism (R)
Sergei Zhuk Book Consumption and Reading Practices in Soviet Dniepropetrovsk During the Brezhnev Era (E)
Elena Vishlenkova Human Diversity in Local Perspective: “Grand Theories” and Empirical Knowledge (Kazan, First Half of the Nineteenth Century) (R)
Documents (R)
Forum AI: "Human Sciences in the Empire: History and Falsification"
Editors "Sovereign Democracy" and the End of History (E&R)
Isabelle de Keghel On the Path toward a “Predictable” Past? Comments on the Establishment of the Presidential Commission to Counter Attempts to Harm Russia’s Interests by Falsifying History (R)
Pavel Polian For Whom the Tsar-Bell Has Tolled? (R)
Andrzej Nowak History as Crime (The Reflections of a Criminal) (R)
Georgii Kasianov No Comment. With Commentaries (R)
Vasilijus Safronovas On Tendencies of the Politics of Remembrance in Contemporary Lithuania (R)
Thomas Sherlock Unhealed Wounds: The Struggle over the Memory of World War II (E)
Elena Baraban Family Circle: The Interpretation of Kinship, Jews, and Prisoners of War in the Stalin-Era War Movies (R)
Wim van Meurs Rogers Brubaker, Margit Feischmidt, Jon Fox, and Liana Grancea, Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006). 439 pp., ill. ISBN: 978-069-112-834-4 (hardcover edition) (E)
Andrew Gentes Alexander Bitis, Russia and the Eastern Question: Army, Government and Society, 1815–1833 (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2006). xxiii+541 pp. Maps, Bibliography, Index. ISBN: 978-019-726-327-3 (E)
Ludmila Novikova Nick Baron, Soviet Karelia: Politics, Planning, and Terror in Stalin’s Russia, 1920–1939 (New York: Routledge, 2007). xx+331 pp. Maps, Notes, Bibliography, Index. (=BASEES / Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies; Vol. 43). ISBN: 0-415-3121 (R)
Jean Lévesque I. I. Chukhin. Kareliia – 37: Ideologiia i praktika terrora / Predisl.: V. N. Verkhogliadov. Petrozavodks: Izdatelstvo Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 1999. 160 S. ISBN: 5-8021-0022-2 (E)
Serhy Yekelchyk Ukraina MOderna. 2008. Nr. 2 (13): "Vijna peremozhciv і peremozhenikh" / Bip. red. A. Portnov. Red. Ja. Gricak, I. Girich, V. Maslijchuk. Kiiv: "Kritika", 2008. 385 S. (E)
Anatoly Podolsky Otricanie otricaniia, ili Bitva pod Aushvicem: Debaty o demografii i geopolitike Kholokosta / Sost.: Alfred Kokh, Pavel Polian. Moskva: "Tri kvadrata", 2008. 388 S., prilozheniia. ISBN: 978-5-94607-105-Х (R)
Viktoria Sukovataia Karel C. Berkhoff, Harvest of Despair: Life and Death in Ukraine Under Nazi Rule (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2004). xiii+463 pp., ill. Maps, Bibliography. ISBN: 0-674-0131-31 (R)
Svetlana Konstantinova Stephen F. Jones, Socialism in Georgian Colors: The European Road to Social Democracy, 1883-1917 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005). 384 pp. ISBN: 0-674-01902-4 (R)
Alexander Androshchuk Peter W. Rodgers, Nation, Region, and History in Post-Communist Transitions: Identity Politics in Ukraine, 1991–2006 (Stuttgart: "Ibidem" Verlag, 2008). 205 pp. (=Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society Series; Vol. 80). ISBN: 978-3-89821-903-7 (R)
Mikhail Nemtsev Thomas Lahusen, Peter H. Solomon (Eds.), What Is Soviet Now?: Identities, Legacies, Memories (Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2008). 336 pp. ISBN: 978-3-8258-0640-8 (R)
Olga Demidova Dan Ungurianu, Plotting History: The Russian Historical Novel in the Imperial Age (Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2007). 424 pp., ills., charts, tables. ISBN: 978-029-922-500-1 (hardback edition) (R)
Stanislav Alekseev Alfons Brüning, Unio non est unitas: Polen-Litauens Weg im konfessionellen Zeitalter (1569–1648) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2008). ix+411 S. Bibliographie. ISBN: 978-3-447-05684-7 (R)
Maksim Vas’kov A. V. Repnikov. Konservativnye kocepcii pereustroistva Rossii. Moskva: "Academia", Federalnoe arkhivnoe Agenstvo RGASPI, 2007. 652 S. ISBN: 978-587-444-352-2 (R)
Nikita Khrapunov Paul Stephenson, Byzantium’s Balkan Frontier: A Political Study of the Northern Balkans, 900–1204 (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006). 352 pp., ill. ISBN-13: 0-521-77017-3; ISBN-10: 0-521-02756-X (paperback edition) (R)