Comparativ 33 (2023), Vol. 1

Comparativ 33 (2023), Vol. 1
Other title information 
The O/AU@60 Pan-African-Futures-in-the-Past

Published on
Six issues per year
140 S.
Single Issue EUR 12,00, Annual Subscription EUR 60,-



Organization name
Comparativ. Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und Vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung
Comparativ Universität Leipzig Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics IPF 348001 Ritterstrasse 24 04109 Leipzig GERMANY e-mail:
Connections Redaktion, Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics, Universität Leipzig

The O/AU@60 Pan-African-Futures-in-the-Past
Ed. by Ulf Engel

Table of contents

Editorial, pp. 7.

*Aufsätze time. It focuses on the role of two Quaker ministers, James Backhouse and George Washington Walker, who travelled to Australia between 1832 and 1838. Shocked by the genocidal violence on the frontier, they advocated a treaty settlement with Australian First Nations following the example of their fellow-Quaker William Penn, who allegedly concluded a peace treaty with representatives of the Lenni Lenape (Delaware people) under the canopy of a large elm tree in 1682. The ministers convinced decision-makers both locally and in London of the value of such treaties, and thus spread the idea of a settlercolonial spaceZeit, die sich (ungeachtet der kulturellen und sozio-ökologischen Besonderheiten) von Philadelphia bis Port Phillip erstreckte und mehr als zwei Jahrhunderte andauerte.

Rezensionen | Reviews

Jenifer L. Barclay: The Mark of Slavery: Disability, Race, and Gender in Antebellum America, Champaign 2021; Stefanie Hunt-Kennedy: Between Fitness and Death: Disability and Slavery in the Caribbean, Champaign 2020
by Melina Teubner, pp. 109-112.

Duncan Bell: Dreamworlds of Race: Empire and the Utopian Destiny of Anglo-America, Princeton 2021
by Timothy Bowers Vasko, pp. 113.

Jan Bemann / Dittmar Dahlmann / Detlev Taranczewski (Hrsg.): Core, Periphery, Frontier: Spatial Patterns of Power, Göttingen 2021
by Klemens Kaps, pp. 115-117.

Nikolay Kamenov: Global Temperance and the Balkans: American Missionaries, Swiss Scientists, and Bulgarian Socialists, London 2020
by Christofer Scarboro, pp. 118.

Gero Fedtke: Roter Orient. Muslimkommunisten und Bolschewiki in Turkestan, Köln u. a. 2020
by Stephan Rindlisbacher, pp. 120-122.

Bernd Lemke (Hrsg.): Ewald Banse und der Orient, Bremen 2021
by Uwe Pfullmann, pp. 123-125.

Thomas Adam: Deutschland in der Welt. Gesellschaft, Kultur und Politik seit 1815, Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2021
by Frank Bösch, pp. 126.

Eleni Braat / Pepijn Corduwener (eds.): 1989 and the West: Western Europe Since the End of the Cold War, London/New York 2020
by Christoph Lorke, pp. 128-130.

Paul S. Landau: Spear: Mandela and the Revolutionaries, Athens 2022
by Ulf Engel, p. 131.

Robert Mayhew / Charles Withers (eds.): Geographies of Knowledge: Science, Scale, and Spatiality in the Nineteenth Century, Baltimore 2020
by Alessandro Stanziani, pp. 132-134.

Claude Mazauric: D’Histoire et d’Historiens. Préface de Pascal Dupuy et Isabelle Laboulais, Paris 2021
by Matthias Middell, pp. 135.

Raquel Varela: A People’s History of Europe: From World War I to Today, London 2021
by Matthias Middell, pp. 137-139.

Autorinnen und Autoren | Authors, pp. 140-142.

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